Anti-racism in action | The Anti-Racism Action Plan for Wales and the Plymouth Anti-Racism Programme
Part of the Stronger voice project, this case study compliments an online recording of an expert seminar on The Anti-Racism Action Plan for Wales and the Plymouth Anti-Racism Programme.

Advocating for women in the criminal justice system | Clinks members - Birth Companions and the Greater Manchester Women’s Support Alliance
Part of the Stronger voice project, this case study compliments an online recording of Birth Companions and the Greater Manchester Women’s Support Alliance's expert seminar discussing advocating for women in the criminal justice system and achieving genuine and long-lasting changes to services.

Influencing local authorities on accommodation | The Greater Manchester Homelessness Prevention Strategy
Part of the Stronger voice project, this case study compliments an online recording of an expert seminar on The Greater Manchester Homelessness Prevention Strategy and influencing policymakers to improve accommodation support for people leaving the criminal justice system.

Using frontline expertise to influence policy | Clinks members - Nacro and Switchback
Part of the Stronger voice project, this case study compliments an online recording of Nacro and Switchback's expert seminar delving into Nacro’s work on influencing resettlement policy, and Switchback’s approach to campaigning and influencing.

Working with officials to influence policy | Ministry of Justice
Part of the Stronger voice project, this case study compliments an online recording of the Ministry of Justice's expert seminar exploring the ways in which voluntary organisations can build and make the most of relationships with government officials.

Campaigning in the face of hostility | Clinks members - Hibiscus Initiatives and the Traveller Movement
Part of the Stronger voice project, this case study compliments an online recording of Hibiscus Initiatives and the Traveller Movement's expert seminar; reflecting on their experiences of advocating for marginalised people, campaigning against damaging policies and maintaining a sense of energy and optimism in the face of social and political hostility.