Anti-racism in action | The Anti-Racism Action Plan for Wales and the Plymouth Anti-Racism Programme
Part of the Stronger voice project, this case study compliments an online recording of an expert seminar on The Anti-Racism Action Plan for Wales and the Plymouth Anti-Racism Programme.

Clinks response to the Prison Strategy White Paper
Clinks has responded to the consultation questions as set out in the Prison Strategy White Paper and welcomes the opportunity to inform future policy in this area.

Letter to Commission on race and ethnic disparities
Clinks submitted evidence to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, to inform their inquiry into ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK.

Clinks response: black people, racism and human rights
Response to the Joint Human Rights Committee inquiry on black people, racism and human rights

Community empowerment approaches
The key to overcoming institutionalised racism in work with black, Asian and minority ethnic people in contact with the criminal justice system