Clinks and London Voluntary Service Council response to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) Police and Crime Plan consultation
London Voluntary Service Council (LVSC) and Clinks have submitted this joint response the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime’s (MOPAC) consultation on their Police and Crime Plan 2017-18. The response outlines the issues highlighted by voluntary sector organisations during LVSC’s consultation with their Safer Future Communities network, focusing on engagement of the voluntary sector, tackling inequalities and meeting the needs of vulnerable people. The recommendations include that the Metropolitan Police Service should seek to build positive communication links with refugee and migrant communities, that MOPAC should develop and publish a strategic plan for tackling inequalities for BAME people within the CJS in London and MOPAC should utilise the learning from the Making Every Adult Matter coalition in order to inform its approach to devolution.