RR3 Special Interest Group on Employment 2023-24: Report
Opportunity for all – employment and training in prisons and the community
We are pleased to publish a report from the RR3 Special Interest Group on Employment.
This report is being published as part of the work of the Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group.
The focus of this report is on the barriers to employment faced by people, both in prison and on their release into the community and explores the following areas:
- Prison workshops
- The financial security of people in prison
- Employer and training provider engagement
- Addressing complex needs
- Service coordination
Developed in collaboration with 28 voluntary criminal justice sector organisations, the report sets out a range of recommendations designed to upskill and prepare people in prison for their release, as well as ensuring that there is sufficient support to sustain employment in the community.
Publish date
24 April 2024