The Covid-19 Response Grants fund has now been open for two months, and we are very excited to have funded 32 brilliant organisations to deliver important work supporting people in prison, through-the-gate and in the community in the context of Covid-19. We are also in the process of funding three more organisations which will be announced in our next update. We have received more than 150 applications, and our grants panel has worked hard, making some very difficult decisions, to ensure that there is funding still available to support organisations as the landscape starts to change.
The grants programme - phase two
With the remaining funding, we are moving into the next phase of the programme, looking beyond immediate needs brought about by Covid-19 and towards recovery and a 'new normal'. Individual prisons and probation services are beginning to ease restrictions in line with Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service's (HMPPS) National Framework for Prison Regimes and Services (see our blog from Jo Farrar for more), and the voluntary sector will need to continue to adapt to respond to changing circumstances and to future-proof its work.
We are therefore inviting applications from any voluntary organisation working in the criminal justice system with an annual income of less than £500,000, whether or not you have previously applied for this funding. If you have previously applied for funding, please read our updated guidance carefully - we will not accept a resubmission of the same application. The deadline for applications is Monday 17th August at 9am.
We know that this is a very challenging time for the voluntary sector and planning for recovery or 'a new normal' is difficult at a time of so much uncertainty. The situation can be confusing, understandably, with lockdowns easing at different rates between establishments. Clinks is working closely with HMPPS to help ensure information reaches the sector as quickly as possible.
The focus of this phase is to fund organisations:
- Offering support in specific probation areas/establishments which have begun to ease restrictions in line with HMPPS's National Framework for Prison Regimes and Services
- Or for organisations seeking support to make long-term or permanent adaptations to their work to adapt to a 'new normal'.
Take a look at the updated guidance on our website for more.
Never more needed
Our panel has had to set a very high bar for applications, and this will be even higher in phase two as organisations look to the future. We know that this is an incredibly challenging time, and we are listening to the needs of organisations through our regular surveys, ongoing network meetings, and through the Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group. We'll continue to highlight our sector's response and advocate strongly for them with the government and philanthropic community as their needs continually change and organisations continue their work through the next phase of the pandemic.
What's being delivered
Here's what the next 25 organisations will deliver, bringing the total amount granted to £164,990. For information on the first seven grants, see last month's update.
The Big Help Project
Awarded £7,200 to deliver a support service to men and women vulnerable to homelessness following release from prison in the North West of England.
New Bridge Foundation
Awarded £5,000 to deliver a remote befriending and support service to individuals across England and Wales.
Leicestershire Cares
Awarded £5,000 to offer through-the-gate and community support to prison leavers in Leicestershire.
Alpha House Calderdale
Awarded £5,000 to deliver a residential resettlement service and Offender Management Exit Strategies for prison leavers in Halifax and the surrounding areas with multiple complex issues.
Awarded £5,000 to deliver the mentoring and befriending with former prisoners in the Greater Bristol area.
Irene Taylor Trust
Awarded £3,640 to deliver music programmes in HMP Liverpool, Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre, and to individuals on licence in the community.
Awarded £5,000 to adapt to distance-learning training for prison buddies in Devon.
Belong: Making Justice Happen
Awarded £5,000 to develop workbook resources to complement face-to-face Restorative Justice work in prisons.
IMO Charity
Awarded £5,000 for residents in Approved Premises in the North West to sew Personal Protective Equipment for local health and social care settings.
Awarded £6,480 to provide songwriting sheets for adults in prison, with the potential opportunity for prisoners' songs to be recorded by professional musicians.
On the Out
Awarded £5,000 to provide through-the-gate support for prison leavers in Greater Manchester.
Imagine If Theatre
Awarded £5,975 to provide through-the-gate support for prison leavers in HMP Moorland and HMP Lindholme.
New Dawn New Day Ltd
Awarded £5,011 to provide social and emotional support to women with complex needs in the community in the East Midlands.
YMCA Exeter
Awarded £5,000 to adapt support to young men on probation or community orders in the South West.
Inside Out Project
Awarded £4,000 to offer mentoring and support to adults on licence or community orders in Derby.
The Safety Box Youth Programs
Awarded £7,665 to adapt a personal development and violence reduction programme for delivery in HMP Wormwood Scrubs and HMP Elmley.
It's Not Your Birthday But...
Awarded £4,949 to offer bespoke arts mentoring and workshops at HMP/YOI Feltham and HMP Downview.
Foundation 92
Awarded £5,400 to offer a mentoring and personal development programme to adults on licence or community order in Greater Manchester.
Inside Out Support Wales
Awarded £8,000 to deliver wellbeing workshops and one-to-one mentoring for prison leavers across Wales.
René House CIC
Awarded £5,000 to offer housing and support for individuals on licence or community service orders in Nottinghamshire.
The Flowhesion Foundation
Awarded £5,120 to offer pastoral support to former prisoners in a hostel in Blackburn.
MYBE Awards
Awarded £5,000 to offer support for peer mentors in HMP Northumberland.
Beating Time
Awarded £7,000 to adapt delivery of an in-custody employment programme in HMP Birmingham.
Escape Artists CIC
Awarded £1,500 for equipment to enable a weekly photography club for men on licence or community orders in North Wales.
Liberty Choir
Awarded £5,000 to deliver choir broadcasts and associated learning resources, as well as a letter writing initiative to members of Liberty Choir in custody.
Photo: StandOut, a Covid-19 Response Grant recipient.
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The role is for a leader from an organisation focused on racially minoritised people, with expertise in service delivery, policy, advocacy, or related areas in criminal justice. Racial disparities are present at every CJS stage. This role ensures these voices are central in shaping policy to help address and eradicate them. Apply by Mon 18 Nov, 10am. More info: #CriminalJustice #RR3 #RacialEquity