Working together to improve criminal justice
This report discusses the conclusion of The Monument Trust’s work, and the new Fellowship they have created to continue their objectives. The aim of their work has been to keep young people out of prison, and to ensure that those who offend and are sent to prison never go back. The Trust has now brought together a group of organisations to collaborate as a Fellowship for several years on each stage of the journey an offender experiences in the criminal justice system - from arrest, through prosecution and sentencing in court, in prisons and Young Offender Institutions, and on release. These organisations have set out their work, aims and shared values in this report.
The organisations in the fellowship are:
- Centre for Justice Innovation
- Clinks
- Diagrama Foundation
- Khulisa
- Koestler Trust
- Lemos&Crane
- National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance
- Restorative Solutions.
Each organisation discusses their aims and values, and plans for their future continuance with the Monument Trust's work.