Notes from the Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group (RR3) Special Interest Group on Covid-19
September 2020
These notes summarise discussions held over two meetings of the RR3 Covid-19 special interest group (SIG) on Wednesday 16th September and Wednesday 23rd September. These meetings were convened to discuss recent voluntary sector experiences of delivering services within the systems put in place through the National Framework for Prison Regimes and Services and the Probation Roadmap to Recovery.
The group were joined by Ed Cornmell, HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) for the first meeting focussed on prisons, and Helen Carter, HMPPS for the second meeting focussed on probation. They were both sent a short paper prior to the meeting outlining the group’s key concerns around recovery, including engagement with HMPPS and specific operational issues.