Jive good practice guide
Recruitment, training and support of volunteers working in the criminal justice system
This document covers the full process of managing a volunteer programme in the criminal justice system (CJS). The Justice Involving Volunteers in Europe (JIVE) project has compared volunteer programmes in six EU countries, looking at volunteer management, recruitment, training and support practices in the justice system. This practical guide provides key insights into how to develop, implement and evaluate volunteer programmes in the CJS in Europe. It includes information about common practices throughout Europe, simple instructions on how to deliver the most effective programmes and examples of previous programmes.
Organisations can work through the guide step by step to develop a full volunteer programme, or can use the sections that are most relevant to them.
JIVE was a two-year project, funded by the European Commission and led by Clinks, which has established a partnership of eight non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from across Europe working within the CJS to exchange ideas and share good practice on two main areas:
- the role and value of volunteers working with ex-offenders, their families and victims of crime
- working effectively in partnership with statutory and private organisations.