Introducing ‘opt-out’ consent for organ and tissue donation in England
The government plans to change the existing organ donation system to an 'opt-out' system. Under the current system people, who want to donate their organs ‘opt in’ or agree to donate after their death by signing up as a donor on the NHS Organ Donor Register and telling their family their decision. The proposed new system would be an ‘opt out’ system, meaning unless people had registered to opt out of donating their organs, they will be assumed to have consented. The aim of the consultation was to establish what more could be done in England to ensure that public support for organ donation is supported both within the legal system and in the NHS and that a person’s decision to donate is supported whenever possible. Our response to this consultation focuses on the potential impact of the proposed changes to consent for organ and tissue donation on people in the CJS and their families, and has been informed by feedback collected from Clinks members.