Eco-Actif CIC
The impact of payment by results contracts
Eco-Actif Services CIC was incorporated as a Community Interest Company in February 2006. The company was set up by two founding directors who had previously worked in the public sector and who had been responsible for delivering Welfare to Work support. Eco-Actif focused on programmes to create opportunities for some of the most marginalised and vulnerable people in South London and Surrey.
This case study sets out the impact of payment by results on a third sector organisation and covers issues of relevance to many Clinks Members, and will be of interest to public sector commissioners too.
These issues include:
- Payment by results contracts
- Lessons from the Work Programme
- Managing cash flow
It was carried out in June 2013 and published as part of the Clinks Sustainable Work with Offenders Project.
Publish date
1 June 2013