The design and delivery of volunteering in the criminal justice system
A JIVE project publication
This report results from the application of practice exchange and evaluation grid frameworks and describes the results of a study conducted on volunteer management, recruitment, training and support practices within the criminal justice system (CJS) sector. Six European countries were involved in this study as part of the JIVE (Justice Involving Volunteers in Europe) project: England & Wales, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Romania.
Executive summary
The study was conducted in 2014 as part of one of the project’s workstreams – volunteer recruitment, training and support. It intends to highlight volunteering practices and work methodologies so that these programmes, countries and stakeholders may learn from others, and that informed recommendations for improving volunteer programmes may be developed.
In particular, the study aims to:
- Establish a comparison between volunteering programmes and European countries, in key programme areas
- Identify common themes and best practice between programmes and countries
- Propose specific recommendations for improving volunteer programmes.