Crime and Consequence
What should happen to people who commit criminal offences?
A collection of essays and creative reflections on one of the most important questions for our society - what should happen to people who commit criminal offences. Contributors include academics, business leaders, artists, criminal justice professionals, charity leaders and prisoners themselves. They explore how our society can respond to crime to tackle the causes and consequences.
This collection is the third in a series of books curated by The Monument Fellowship; eight organisations funded by The Monument Trust to work together to make a sustained, cumulative and transformative change to the journey of individuals through our justice system. The members of the fellowship are: The Centre for Justice Innovation, Clinks, the Diagrama Foundation UK, Khulisa UK, Koestler Arts, Lemos and Crane: The Good Prison, The National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance and Restorative Solutions CIC. It is available to download below.
Print copies are available to purchase from Koestler Arts.
A selection of essays from Crime and Consequence are available to listen as a podcast.