Clinks response to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s tackling homelessness together consultation
Clinks has responded to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s tacking homelessness together consultation. We held two consultation events with our members to inform our response: one attended by voluntary organisations providing specialist services to women in contact with the criminal justice system; and one with organisations with particular expertise in housing and homelessness. We have also drawn on information garnered from previous and ongoing engagement with our members, namely through the Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group (RR3).
Our response highlights that if homelessness reduction boards are created they should follow the set of core principles, including: having both a strategic and operational approach; are held to account through national oversight; has representation from experts by experience; ensures all members are treated as equal partners; facilitates join up with criminal justice partners; compliments the work of existing multi-agency structures; promotes, recognises and facilitates good practice; prioritises and is responsive to the needs of people with protected characteristics; is evidence based and works to shared goals and outcomes measures; have clear accountability structures and is transparent and under regular review.
We also recommend the Ministry of Justice develops and leads a cross-departmental accommodation strategy.