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We have published our annual report and financial statements 2021-22. The report looks at Clinks’ work towards our strategic objectives over the period of 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. It sets out our activities, achievements and plans for future work, under each objective, and work we have completed towards our strategic goals.
Some of our highlights include:
- At the end of the year, we had 612 voluntary sector organisations as members of Clinks.
- Provided one-to-one support and information to over 250 voluntary sector organisations.
- Recruited 13 voluntary sector representatives to establish the Clinks member advisory forum.
- Our surveys on the impact of probation reforms, the state of the sector and of practitioners working in the voluntary sector received the highest ever number of responses giving us a clear and robust evidence base.
- We supported engagement structures and acted as a conduit for information between government and the sector.
- Hosted 63 events, totalling 2,891 attendees.
- Produced 146 ebulletins and newsflashes over the year to 21,601 subscribers.
- There are now 70 organisations in our race and justice network.
- We successfully highlighted the need for the Ministry of Justice to consult on the prison strategy white paper, and then held a series of consultation events with over 130 organisations in the sector, to inform our response.
- Our Stronger Voice training programme supported 142 attendees from 91 different organisations to become involved in policy and campaigns.
- We published our probation research and fed our knowledge and intelligence into the findings of Richard Oldfield’s review, leading to HMPPS recognising the need for grant funding for voluntary organisations.
- We ran a grants programme for the Criminal Justice Board for Wales and were able to offer small grants to 10 organisations.
Read more about our achievements in our annual report and financial review 2021-2022 available online here
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© Clinks, 2022
Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE
Registered charity: 1074546 | Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales: 3562176