Substance misuse consultation event
Substance misuse consultation event
Clinks and NHS England consultation event
For more information about events, or to request an invoice, please contact
What should substance misuse services in prisons be like?
Clinks is holding a consultation event with NHS England to help them review the service specification for substance misuse services in prisons. Open to current and former service users, families, and voluntary sector representatives, these events will provide an opportunity to feed back on the current specification, what is working well, and what more needs to be done.
This event will look particularly at what services are needed to support different groups of people, such women, families, those with multiple needs, or people on remand.
Travel: NHS England will book and pay for train tickets in advance, or reimburse travel costs, for any attendees who are service users or family members of service users. To arrange for your travel to be paid, please contact Hazel Alcraft on 0207 3919 883 / by 6th January 2017.