Strengthening probation, building confidence - York
Strengthening probation, building confidence - York
Voluntary sector engagement events
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The Ministry of Justice has announced a public consultation on proposals to stabilise the delivery of probation services over the next two years and a longer term strategy for probation services beyond 2020.
As part of the Ministry of Justice market and stakeholder engagement activity for this consultation, Clinks is hosting a series of events for the voluntary sector.
These events will provide an:
- Overview of the proposals from the Ministry of Justice and how you can engage with the consultation process
- Opportunity to ask the Ministry of Justice questions about the current proposals
- Opportunity to feed in your views to the Ministry of Justice regarding how voluntary sector engagement can be improved in future probation services
- Opportunity to feed in your views to Clinks’ consultation response.
You can read a Clinks blog on the proposals and our press release. For the consultation details on the Ministry of Justice website, click here.
The Ministry of Justice is also holding events for those interested in providing probation services in the future, you can find details of these here. Separate events will also be held by HMPPS Wales.