Regional Criminal Justice Forum
Regional Criminal Justice Forum
Regional Criminal Justice Forum
Taking the temperature of the voluntary sector working in Criminal Justice
Wednesday 20 September 2017, 13:30 - 16:30
For more information about events, or to request an invoice, please contact
Clinks coordinate quarterly forums to provide the opportunity for members to keep up to speed on new developments. These events allow you to step back from your crucial day-to-day frontline work to see the bigger picture and context in which you are working. The forums will give local and regional organisations the opportunity to hear the latest national developments in criminal justice, and also use their experience to inform Clinks’ national policy work. You will: • Hear about the findings from our State of the Sector report and have the opportunity to shape our recommendations going forwards. • Discuss the challenges and opportunities your organisation is currently facing. Information gathered from this forum will be used to shape Clinks work in the future.• Share good practice and network with other organisations working in your region.
We are running similar events in Preston (book here) and Plymouth (book here)