Reducing health inequalities amongst inclusion health groups – Defining what works
Reducing health inequalities amongst inclusion health groups – Defining what works
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The Health and Wellbeing Alliance is working to bring the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector’s voice and expertise into national policy making. Nine members of the Alliance have come together to deliver a new project to address health inequalities for inclusion health groups.
“Inclusion health” was developed as a term to describe the need to address the specific health needs of groups that are traditionally excluded. These groups face a wide range of health inequalities, and are by their own nature diverse. The four vulnerable and excluded groups prioritised by the Department of Health experience some of the poorest health outcomes in England and comprise of:
- Asylum seekers and refugees
- Gypsies and Travellers
- Vulnerable homeless people
- Sex workers.
The project will produce an inclusion health audit tool for the Department of Health, Public Health England, and NHS England. The tool will help system partners adapt to meet the needs of people that cross several aspects of inequality, diversity and inclusion. The project will be co-produced with people with lived experience who will help shape the tool.
As a part of this project we want to “define what works” in reducing health inequalities for inclusion health groups, at a workshop to be held on Friday 3 November 2017, beginning with lunch, from 12.30 – 3.30 in central London. This workshop will help us to understand the extent to which organisations across the voluntary and health sectors are already working with inclusion health groups, to learn of good practice models and identify what these organisations are doing to engage with people with lived experience to address inequalities.
Experts by experience are encouraged to attend with organisation representatives, and travel expenses will be covered for them.