Promoting family ties in the changing Criminal Justice System
Promoting family ties in the changing Criminal Justice System
Conference for professionals working with the families and children of people who have offended.
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Clinks, in partnership with i-HOP, is holding this conference to support professionals working with the families and children of offenders in the South West. It will provide delegates with both a national and local picture of the changing criminal justice environment in regards to children and families as well as show casing good practice and launching the i-HOP Quality Statements and Toolkit.
The event will be a fantastic opportunity to network with other local organisations, get up to date with the latest policy developments, and hear inspiring examples of best practice in supporting people in contact with the Criminal Justice System.
The programme includes:
- Anne Fox, Clinks Chief Executive and Deputy Chair of the Farmer Review
- Richard Booty, NOMS, on the commissioning of family services
- Andy Rogers, Deputy Director of Custody (South West & IRC’s), National Offender Management Service (via video)
- Anna Jenkins, Bristol Children’s Centres
- Polly Wright, Barnardo’s, presenting the key findings from the South West Children and Families Pathway Review and speaking about the steps that have been taken to implement the recommendations in the region
- Hearing from children and young people affected by having a parent in prison and explore how to protect their rights.
- The opportunity to feed back on the families services commissioning process and development of new services, and inform Clinks’ work supporting the families sector.
Showcase of good practice from key voluntary sector organisations working with children and families in contact with the Criminal Justice System.
For more information, please email i-HOP members please email to get the member price.
If ticket or travel costs are prohibitive, please email
For more information on the Farmer Review, click here
i-Hop is the one-stop knowledge hub to support all professionals in working with children and families of offenders, bringing together useful information in one place.