Networking forum: working with women in the criminal justice system
Networking forum: working with women in the criminal justice system
Networking forum: working with women in the criminal justice system
Monday 10 September 2018, 12:00 - 15:00
For more information about events, or to request an invoice, please contact
Stay up-to-date and informed through our women’s networking forums. For CEOs and project managers of voluntary organisations running services designed for women in the criminal justice system. Our next event will take place on 10th September in Bristol. Cullagh Warnock will share insights about the funding landscape for work with women, and facilitate a discussion about how the specialist women’s sector builds a sustainable network of quality provision in the light of the Female Offender Strategy published at the end of June. Cullagh has considerable experience as a funder of women’s services. Discuss the Female Offender Strategy, its implications for the women’s sector, and our collective response to supporting and influencing its implementation. You will also:
- Get an update about women specific policy
- Receive information about voluntary sector campaigns and projects
- Influence Clinks’ policy work and ensure your voice is represented
- Share ideas, good practice and support.
Our networking forums provide support, information and networking opportunities to those working with women in contact with the criminal justice system. They are hosted in partnership with Agenda who will provide updates on their work.
Clinks / Women’s Breakout gather intelligence at these events to inform our representative work with government and other stakeholders, including the MoJ’s Advisory Board for Female Offenders and the Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group (RR3). Please contact to book a place, including a few sentences about your organisation and why you would like to attend the events. Please note that the women’s networking forum events are only open to organisations who already provide a specialist service or project for women in contact with the criminal justice system. Future networking forums: Liverpool - 13th November