Everyone’s business: co-ordinating services for people with multiple and complex needs
Everyone’s business: co-ordinating services for people with multiple and complex needs
Joint event by Clinks, the Making Every Adult Matter coalition and the VCS Criminal Justice Forum for Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset
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PLEASE NOTE: This event is now sold out, if you wish to be put on the waiting list please email events@clinks.org
Come and explore how services can be better co-ordinated for people with multiple and complex needs. This joint event from Bournemouth CVS, Poole CVS, Clinks and the Making Every Adult Matter coalition (MEAM) will explore how to join up substance misuse, homelessness, mental health and criminal justice services.
At this event you will:
- hear about exciting new approaches to commissioning and co-ordinating services
- have the opportunity to network with other organisations working with people in the criminal justice system and with multiple and complex needs
- learn about a new opportunity to apply for free support to join up services locally using the MEAM approach.
People with multiple needs face a combination of problems including homelessness, substance abuse, contact with the criminal justice system and mental ill health. They fall through the gaps between services and systems, making it harder for them to address their problems and lead fulfilling lives. They often have ineffective contact with services, as in most cases they are designed to deal with one problem at a time and to support people with single, severe conditions. This can mean that people experiencing multiple needs are more likely to access emergency, rather than planned services, such as going to accident and emergency rather than the local GP.
Speakers include:
- Andy Williams, Community Safety Manager for Bournemouth Borough Council
- Nicola Greenfield from Bournemouth Churches Housing Association (BCHA)
- Kerry McGeachy from Victim Support
- Isabel Livingstone from Clinks and the MEAM coalition