Co-ordination and collaboration for people facing multiple disadvantage (North East)
Co-ordination and collaboration for people facing multiple disadvantage (North East)
Co-ordination and collaboration for people facing multiple disadvantage (North East)
Regional criminal justice forum
Thursday 8 March 2018, 13:30 - 16:30
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How criminal justice services and others can join up their work to better meet people’s multiple and complex needs Clinks coordinates quarterly forums to provide the opportunity for members to keep up to speed on new developments. These events allow you to step back from your crucial day-to-day frontline work to see the bigger picture and context in which you are working. You will have the opportunity to hear the latest national developments in criminal justice, and use your experience to inform Clinks’ national policy work. This forum focuses on working collaboratively to tackle severe and multiple disadvantage. At this event, you will:• Get an update on new developments in criminal justice policy including briefing on the new ministerial team• Learn about new local initiatives to join up services for people facing severe and multiple disadvantage• Hear an update from the Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) coalition about how it is supporting local areas to co-ordinate services for people with multiple and complex needs. • Explore the issues and discuss opportunities for collaboration and partnerships with colleagues from a range of voluntary and public sector organisations.