Arts, culture and innovation in criminal justice settings: improving outcomes in a new policy landscape
Arts, culture and innovation in criminal justice settings: improving outcomes in a new policy landscape
National Alliance for Arts in Criminal Justice conference 2016
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The National Alliance for Arts in Criminal Justice is a network of over 800 individuals and organisations who use music, theatre, film, creative writing and visual arts as a springboard for positive change in prisons and community settings.
On 5th October 2016 we will be holding our annual conference in York at HMP Askham Grange. The day, which is aimed at governors, Heads of Learning and Skills, Heads of Reducing Reoffending, health and substance misuse senior prison staff, CRCs and arts and voluntary sector organisations, will explore innovation and creativity in criminal justice reform.
The conference will see the launch of a new guide looking at how to commission arts projects in criminal justice settings in response to the Coates Review and the Culture White Paper. The conference and publication will highlight the unique role of the arts in supporting rehabilitation, including how arts can support safe and secure prisons and improve outcomes for offenders across the prison estate and in the community. It will provide evidence and best practice case studies to inspire governors and commissioners in a new autonomous environment.
Breakout sessions will explore collaborations between prisons and arts organisations, evidencing success, building rehabilitative cultures and using the arts as a driver for equality.
The event will include contributions from the Ministry of Justice and Arts Council England as well as leading art organisations, universities and prison governors.
For more information on the work of the National Alliance for Arts in Criminal Justice, please click here.