North of England criminal justice forum
North of England criminal justice forum
For more information about events, or to request an invoice, please contact
This criminal justice forum has been organised to bring together partners working across the criminal justice system in the North of England. The forum will provide an opportunity for people to hear about current and future developments and discuss policy and practice affecting their day-to-day work.
It will create a space to step away from the day job and provide an opportunity to share good practice, strengthen partnership working, and discuss any opportunities or challenges your organisation may be currently facing. There is also an opportunity for Clinks' members and partners to showcase their work. If you would be interested in presenting at this or a future forum contact
At this event we will be joined by Craig Robson who will present information about the Making Every Contact Count approach and training opportunities. A representative from the North West Probation team will provide an update about their commissioning plans for 2023/24.
The forum is open to organisations based or working in the North West, Greater Manchester, Yorkshire and Humber and the North East.
This is a free event.*
*You will not be asked for payment details, but please ensure you complete all stages of the booking process, including 'Payment' (which is set to £0.00), to confirm your place.
Terms and conditions
Privacy and security
This event will be conducted through Zoom, an online meeting platform. As security and privacy is important to us, we’re adapting our procedures in line with the latest security guidance from Zoom. We have:
- Implemented the latest security functions as standard, including requiring registration, passwords and waiting rooms.
- Made sure all delegates login and book through the Clinks website, so everyone identifies themselves.
- Ask delegates to follow housekeeping rules. Any unwanted behaviour will result in delegates being removed from meetings.
Data Protection
For information regarding data protection, including how Clinks will use your personal data for the administration of this event, please see our Privacy Policy.
Code of Conduct
Clinks is a values driven organisation and we expect our members to agree and uphold those values at all Clinks events. Our membership code of conduct outlines our expectations regarding the behaviour of our members and their staff towards Clinks and other member organisations. If any behaviour or disruption during an event is considered to be a breach of the Clinks code of conduct, these concerns will be addressed by the sector support, members and networks manager and this may result in removal from future Clinks events or membership overall.