Time to act: the role of the voluntary sector and trusts and foundations in tackling race inequality in the criminal justice system
Time to act: the role of the voluntary sector and trusts and foundations in tackling race inequality in the criminal justice system
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This event brings together a range of speakers to explore the essential work of the voluntary sector in delivering services for racially minoritised people and addressing race inequality in the criminal justice system. We will explore how specialist organisations led by and focused on racially minoritised people are faring in the current climate, and discuss how trusts and foundations, the wider voluntary sector and government can ensure these organisations are sustainable. We will also discuss the crucial role of specialist organisations in influencing government, and how the wider voluntary sector can help amplify the voices, knowledge and expertise of racially minoritised leaders in our collective pursuit of change.
Speakers will include:
Jake Ferguson, CEO Hackney CVS, Executive member Black Men for Change
Janice Frazer, Race and Justice Coordinator, Clinks
Khatuna Tsintsadze, The Zahid Mubarak Trust
Joe Ferns, Baobab Foundation
Jon Yates, Youth Endowment Fund
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This event will be conducted through Zoom, an online meeting platform. As security and privacy is important to us, we’re adapting our procedures in line with the latest security guidance from Zoom. We have:
- Implemented the latest security functions as standard, including requiring registration, passwords and waiting rooms.
- Made sure all delegates login and book through the Clinks website, so everyone identifies themselves.
- Ask delegates to follow housekeeping rules. Any unwanted behaviour will result in delegates being removed from meetings.
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