England criminal justice network meeting – The PCC elections and the criminal justice voluntary sector
England criminal justice network meeting – The PCC elections and the criminal justice voluntary sector
For more information about events, or to request an invoice, please contact events@clinks.org.
Voters across England will head to the polls on 6th May, to elect local Mayors, Councils and 35 Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). The outcome of these PCC elections will determine who sets the agenda and priorities for policing and crime reduction in almost every police area in the country. Therefore the PCCs are critically important to criminal justice voluntary sector organisations. Join us for an update following the elections, where we will discuss the value of building relationships with PCCs and hear examples of effective PCC engagement with the sector. The event will also provide a space to network with colleagues from within the voluntary sector.
Terms and conditions
Privacy and security
This event will be conducted through Zoom, an online meeting platform. As security and privacy is important to us, we’re adapting our procedures in line with the latest security guidance from Zoom. We have:
- Implemented the latest security functions as standard, including requiring registration, passwords and waiting rooms.
- Made sure all delegates login and book through the Clinks website, so everyone identifies themselves.
- Ask delegates to follow housekeeping rules. Any unwanted behaviour will result in delegates being removed from meetings.
Data Protection
For information regarding data protection, including how Clinks will use your personal data for the administration of this event, please see our Privacy Policy.