Building partnerships for the probation dynamic framework
Building partnerships for the probation dynamic framework
Kent, Surrey and Sussex
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Clinks is running a series of online events to support organisations to understand the Dynamic Framework and what it means for them.
We are working in partnership with Eastside Primetimers - the social sector consultants - who will be supporting the events by providing expertise around the IT requirements in the probation contracts and around building partnerships and consortia.
Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service intends to commission rehabilitative and resettlement services for the future probation model through the Dynamic Framework. The framework is the main opportunity for voluntary organisations of all sizes to deliver services through the new probation system. Find out more in our blog.
The first services to be commissioned through the Dynamic Framework will be those that will be available from day one of the new model’s operation in June 2021. These are now confirmed as:
- Accommodation – commissioned in 12 contract lots, one in each National Probation Service area.
- Employment, Training and Education – commissioned in 12 contract lots, one in each National Probation Service area.
- Personal wellbeing – family and significant others, lifestyle and associates, social inclusion, and emotional wellbeing. Commissioned in 42 contract lots at Police and Crime Commissioner area level.
- A specific young adult cohort personal wellbeing contract commissioned in Wales.
- Women’s services – accommodation; employment, training and education; finance; benefits and debt; personal wellbeing; dependency and recovery. Commissioned in 42 contract lots at Police and Crime Commissioner area level
This means that some organisations will need to work together and form partnerships and consortia in order to be able to bid to deliver services.
This session will:
- Give you information and guidance on building partnerships and consortia, covering best practice in all areas of consortia development and implementation in the context of the multi-service lots being commissioned.
- Give you an opportunity to become more familiar with each other and so start to build the relationships needed to establish partnerships and consortia where necessary. We’ll do this through breakout rooms based on geographical area and contracts of interest.
Other meetings in this series include:
South West and South Central
1st July | 12:30 - 2:30pm
East Midlands and Eastern England
1st July | 3:00 - 5:00pm
West Midlands
2nd July | 12:30 - 2:30pm
7th July | 11:00am - 1:00pm
North West and Greater Manchester
7th July | 2:00 - 4:00pm
North East, Yorkshire and Humber
8th July | 12:30 - 2:30pm
8th July | 3:00 - 5:00pm
These events are designed with smaller voluntary organisations in mind. As we are expecting high demand for places, please limit attendance to two delegates per organisation.
Terms and conditions
Privacy and security
This event will be conducted through Zoom, an online meeting platform. As security and privacy is important to we’re adapting our procedures in line with the latest security guidance from Zoom. We have:
- Implemented the latest security functions as standard, including requiring registration, passwords and waiting rooms.
- Made sure all delegates login and book through the Clinks website, so everyone identifies themselves.
- Ask delegates to follow housekeeping rules. Any unwanted behaviour will result in delegates being removed from meetings.
Data Protection
For information regarding data protection, including how Clinks will use your personal data for the administration of this event, please see our Privacy Policy.