Clinks - supporting voluntary organisations that work with offenders and their families en State of the Sector <span>State of the Sector</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/124838" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Abi Lunn</span> </span> <span>18 Mar 2024 - 14:15</span> <div id="layout-section-wrapper" class="layout--7:5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row" role="main"> <div class="col-md region region--first"> </div> <div class="d-none d-lg-block col-md-4 region region--second"> <div> <h2>What&#039;s new</h2> <div> <h2 class="h4">Blogs</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="views-view-whats-new mb-4 js-view-dom-id-08c39c1545bb66e672fa42193aca31a3f3d58d197e82d9ed53b4df3fa3c1a1c1"> <div class="views-view-grid horizontal cols-1 clearfix"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"><article data-history-node-id="3063" role="article" about="/community/blog-posts/state-sector-2023-key-trends-voluntary-sector" typeof="schema:Article"> <div class="row pr-lg-1"> <div class="col-lg-4 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-md-start justify-content-center pr-md-0"> <a href="/community/blog-posts/state-sector-2023-key-trends-voluntary-sector"> <div class="field field--name-banner-image field--type-image"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"> <a href="/community/blog-posts/state-sector-2023-key-trends-voluntary-sector" hreflang="en"><img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog/public/2024-03/Clinks-Conference-2023-20.jpg?itok=O0sBUolr" width="500" height="500" alt="SOTS 23 report blog banner" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col py-3"> <h1 class="card-title h6"> <a href="/community/blog-posts/state-sector-2023-key-trends-voluntary-sector" rel="bookmark"> <span property="schema:name">State of the Sector 2023 - key trends in the voluntary sector</span> </a> </h1> <span property="schema:name" content="State of the Sector 2023 - key trends in the voluntary sector" class="hidden"></span> <span property="schema:interactionCount" content="UserComments:0" class="hidden"></span> <div class="card-text"> <div property="schema:text" class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div property="schema:text" class="field-item">This blog reflects on the findings from our new 2023 State of the Sector report.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <h2 class="h4">Publications</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="views-view-whats-new mb-4 js-view-dom-id-50df3efdd7a5df29b20e2bbc0fcc7ece862b23289da8e843421f139b9ddb498a"> <div class="views-view-grid horizontal cols-1 clearfix"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"><article data-history-node-id="3097" role="article" about="/publication/imposition-community-and-custodial-sentences-guideline-revised-consultation"> <div class="row pr-lg-1"> <div class="col-lg-4 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-md-start justify-content-center pr-md-0"> <a href="/publication/imposition-community-and-custodial-sentences-guideline-revised-consultation"> <div class="card-img-top shadow-sm"> <a href="/publication/imposition-community-and-custodial-sentences-guideline-revised-consultation" hreflang="en"><img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/resource/public/2024-04/Pages%20from%20Clinks%20response%20-%20Imposition%20of%20community%20and%20custodial%20sentences%20guideline%20%E2%80%93%20revised%20-%20consultation.pdf_.jpg?itok=y_qITDqd" width="550" height="778" alt="Cover page" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col py-3"> <h1 class="card-title h6"> <a href="/publication/imposition-community-and-custodial-sentences-guideline-revised-consultation" rel="bookmark"> <span>Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline – revised: consultation</span> </a> </h1> <div class="card-text"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items mb-2"> <div class="field-item d-inline">Clinks provided a response to the Sentencing Council's consultation on revised Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <h2 class="h4">Latest on Twitter</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="views-view-whats-new mb-4 js-view-dom-id-b406d02c565fb822011af4b8f2b3cff6843caa322f09b400ebba03fea736764b"> <div class="views-view-grid horizontal cols-1 clearfix"> <div class="row"> <div class="col"><article data-history-node-id="3019" role="article" about="/node/3019" class="p-3 card card-border-blue bg-light"> <div> <a href="" class="text-color-reset" target="_blank" title="Clinks Tweets"> <img src="/themes/clinks/clinks_theme/icons/clinks_twitter.png" class="rounded-circle mr-2 mb-1" width="40px"><strong>Clinks</strong> @clinks_tweets · 4 months </a> <div class="card-text"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item">🔊 Clinks Thinks is back 🔊 We have created #ClinksThinks to set out our principles, ambitions, and recommendations for delivering a fair and effective Criminal justice system. Our CEO @AnneFoxThoughts speaks about the change we need in the Criminal Justice System. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <h2 class="h4">Events</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="views-view-whats-new-events js-view-dom-id-542756ce517c059295dcb27cc1ab2fc2ec2143394fc1cf9277d30451eba9877d"> <div class="card-border-blue contextual-region p-3 bg-light views-row"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><h6 class="field-content"><a href="/event/577" hreflang="en">Why gender matters in the criminal justice system - 2 part workshop</a></h6></div><div class="views-field views-field-date__value"><h6 class="views-label views-label-date__value d-inline-block field-label mr-1">Date</h6><span class="field-content">Monday 13 May</span></div><div class="views-field views-field-venue"><h6 class="views-label views-label-venue d-inline-block field-label mr-1">Location</h6><span class="field-content">Online</span></div><div class="views-field views-field-price"><h6 class="views-label views-label-price d-inline-block field-label mr-1">From</h6><span class="field-content">£95</span></div></div> <div class="card-border-blue contextual-region p-3 bg-light views-row"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><h6 class="field-content"><a href="/event/576" hreflang="en">North of England criminal justice forum</a></h6></div><div class="views-field views-field-date__value"><h6 class="views-label views-label-date__value d-inline-block field-label mr-1">Date</h6><span class="field-content">Tuesday 21 May</span></div><div class="views-field views-field-venue"><h6 class="views-label views-label-venue d-inline-block field-label mr-1">Location</h6><span class="field-content">Online</span></div><div class="views-field views-field-price"><h6 class="views-label views-label-price d-inline-block field-label mr-1">From</h6><span class="field-content">Free</span></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-light layout--one-column" id="layout-section-wrapper--2"> <div class="container"> <div class="row" role="main"> <div class="col region region--first"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="layout-section-wrapper--3" class="layout--one-column"> <div class="container"> <div class="row" role="main"> <div class="col region region--first"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="layout-section-wrapper--4" class="layout--one-column"> <div class="container"> <div class="row" role="main"> <div class="col region region--first"> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:15:48 +0000 Abi Lunn 3056 at Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline – revised: consultation <span>Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline – revised: consultation</span> <div class="card-img-top shadow-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/resource/public/2024-04/Pages%20from%20Clinks%20response%20-%20Imposition%20of%20community%20and%20custodial%20sentences%20guideline%20%E2%80%93%20revised%20-%20consultation.pdf_.jpg?itok=y_qITDqd" width="550" height="778" alt="Cover page" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/124611" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Jason Watt</span> </span> <span>18 Apr 2024 - 16:13</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items mb-2"> <div class="field-item d-inline"><p>We welcome the opportunity to respond to <a href="">this consultation</a>. We have responded to the questions relevant to our areas of work. This response is informed by consultation with the voluntary sector working in criminal justice in England and Wales as well as our experience of supporting the voluntary sector working in prisons and the community, and those delivering resettlement support.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-type field--type-entity-reference"> <h6 class="field-label">Type</h6> <div class="field-items mb-2"> <div class="field-item d-inline"><a href="/publications?f%5B0%5D=type%3Aresponse" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary mb-2">Response</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-field-of-work field--type-entity-reference"> <h6 class="field-label">Field of work</h6> <div class="field-items mb-2"> <div class="field-item d-inline"><a href="/publications?f%5B0%5D=field_of_work%3Alobbying%20%26%20campaigning" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary mb-2">Lobbying &amp; campaigning</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-files-downloads field--type-file"> <h6 class="field-label">Files &amp; downloads</h6> <div class="field-items mb-2"> <div class="field-item d-inline"><span data-download-button class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"><a href="" type="application/pdf; length=77666" title="Clinks response - Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline – revised - consultation.pdf" class="btn btn-primary mb-2">Download Clinks response to the Sentencing Council's consultation on revised Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline</a></span> <span>(75.85 KB)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-print field--type-boolean"> <div class="field-items mb-2"> <div class="field-item d-inline">0</div> </div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-publish-date field--type-datetime"> <h6 class="d-inline-block field-label">Publish date</h6> <div class="d-inline-block align-top field-items mb-2"> <div class="field-item d-inline">18 April 2024</div> </div> </div> Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:13:15 +0000 Jason Watt 3097 at Clinks Events | May 2024 <span>Clinks Events | May 2024</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><h2 class="sn-blue text-align-center">Clinks events and training</h2> <h3 class="sn-red text-align-center">May 2024</h3> <p>Clinks run events and training for voluntary organisations working in the criminal justice system. We hear time and time again that organisations feel stronger alongside others and enjoy being part of a well-connected network.</p> <p>If you have any ideas of events and training that would benefit you/your organisation, please contact us at <a href=""></a></p> <p><span class="sn-red">Come to one of our upcoming events to stay connected, learn something new and work together for a better criminal justice system.</span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-blue">Why gender matters in the criminal justice system – 2 part workshop</strong> </span></span></span></span></span><br /><span><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-red">10:00, 13 &amp; 14 May | online | £95</strong></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-AU" xml:lang="EN-AU" xml:lang="EN-AU"><span><span>Is your organisation part of the Clinks women’s network? Do you have frontline staff or volunteers who are new to working or volunteering in your organisation and want to increase their understanding of why gender matters for women in the criminal justice system? If so, join us for this two part entry-level workshop.  </span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-AU" xml:lang="EN-AU" xml:lang="EN-AU"><span><span>The workshop aims to: </span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul><li><span><span><span><span lang="EN-AU" xml:lang="EN-AU" xml:lang="EN-AU"><span><span>develop understanding of women’s gendered experience of the criminal justice system and raise awareness of ‘a whole system approach’</span></span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul><p><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash170424"><span><span>Book your place here</span></span></a>  </span></span></p> <p><strong class="sn-blue"><span><span><span><span><span>North of England criminal justice forum</span></span></span></span></span></strong><br /><span><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-red">10:00, 21 May | online | free</strong></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>This criminal justice forum has been organised to bring together partners working across the criminal justice system in the North of England. The forum will provide an opportunity for people to hear about current and future developments and discuss policy and practice affecting their day-to-day work.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>It aims to create a space to step away from the day job and provide an opportunity to share good practice, strengthen partnership working, and discuss any opportunities or challenges your organisation may be currently facing. There is also an opportunity for Clinks' members and partners to showcase their work. If you would be interested in presenting at this or a future forum contact </span></span></span><span><a href=""><span><span><span><span><span></span></span></span></span></span></a></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>The forum is held quarterly. It is open to cross sector organisations based or working in the North West, Greater Manchester, Yorkshire and Humber and the North East.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>Confirmed speakers include Helen Linsell from Dance United Yorkshire and Tina Young from NEPACS. </span></span></span></span></span></span><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash170424"><span><span>Book your place here</span></span></a>  </span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-red text-align-center"><span><span><span><span><span>Other upcoming events you might have missed</span></span></span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash170424"><span><span>All Wales criminal justice forum</span></span></a><span><span><span>: <span class="sn-red">10:00, 23 April | online | free</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash170424"><span><span>Prison education: what the evidence tells us</span></span></a><span><span><span>: <span class="sn-red">14:00, 23 April | online | free</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash170424"><span><span>Navigating the criminal justice system</span></span></a><span><span><span>: <span class="sn-red">09:30, 4 June | online | from £75</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash170424"><span><span>Working and volunteering in prisons training</span></span></a><span><span><span>: <span class="sn-red">10:00, 19 June | online | from £95</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <h2 class="sn-blue text-align-center"><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash170424"><span><span><span>See all our upcoming events here</span></span></span></a></span></span></h2> <p class="text-align-center">-----------------------------------------------------------</p> <p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Clinks logo" height="182" src="" width="461" /></p> <p class="text-align-center">Get involved <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks on Twitter</a></p> <p class="text-align-center">Contact us <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter"></a> | <a href=""></a> | 020 4502 6774</p> <p class="text-align-center"><a href="">Click here to manage your subscriptions</a>. For assistance, email <a href=""></a></p> <p class="text-align-center">© Clinks, 2024</p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE </p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered charity: 1074546 | Company limited by guarantee in England &amp; Wales: 3562176</p></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/124611" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Jason Watt</span> </span> <span>17 Apr 2024 - 08:31</span> Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:31:39 +0000 Jason Watt 3096 at Clinks Light Lunch | Issue 828 | 19 April 2024 <span>Clinks Light Lunch | Issue 828 | 19 April 2024</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><h3 class="sn-blue"> </h3> <img alt="Clinks Light Lunch banner image" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="4ccf6514-ef1a-48fc-b89b-33b190ee3725" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Light%20Lunch_0.png" class="align-center" width="650" height="150" loading="lazy" /><p>In this issue...</p> <ul class="tableOfContents"><li><a href="#CE-Pe-wtetu">CLINKS EVENT: Prison education: what the evidence tells us</a></li> <li><a href="#MF-PR">MEMBER FOCUS: Pivotal Recovery</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-SIaSP2–">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: Spark Inside announces Strategic Plan 2024 – 27</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-CJAc">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: Criminal Justice AI chatbot</a></li> <li><a href="#CME-dfbtw">CLINKS MEMBER’S EVENT: documents from behind the wall</a></li> <li><a href="#CME-nroccf">CLINKS MEMBER’S EVENT: new research on criminal court fines</a></li> <li><a href="#CJS-CRSu">CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Commissioned Rehabilitative Services update</a></li> <li><a href="#CJS-ItmeeftroHCRS">CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: market engagement event for the recommissioning of HMPPS’ Commissioned Rehabilitative Services</a></li> <li><a href="#CJS-gcdo‘">CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: government cracks down on ‘deepfakes’</a></li> <li><a href="#FV-NTL">FEATURED VACANCY: Night Team Leader </a></li> <li><a href="#FV-CC-aW">FEATURED VACANCY: Circles Coordinator - Gloucestershire and Wiltshire </a></li> <li><a href="#CMV-">CLINKS MEMBERS’ VACANCIES:</a></li> <li><a href="#ROTW-">READS OF THE WEEK:</a></li> <li><a href="#EI-">EXTRA INFORMATION:</a></li> </ul><h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CE-Pe-wtetu" name="CE-Pe-wtetu"></a>CLINKS EVENT: Prison education: what the evidence tells us</h3> <p>Jon Collins; Chief Executive of Prisoners' Education Trust, will discuss the latest evidence and the key elements which make for 'good' prison education <span class="sn-red">[23 April, 14:00 - 15:00, online, free]</span>.</p> <p>This is part of our “A matter of fact: what the evidence tells us” series, to accompany our <a href="">Evidence Library</a>, giving you the chance to ask your own questions of leading academics talking about the latest research on an important criminal justice topic. <a href="">Book your place here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="MF-PR" name="MF-PR"></a>MEMBER FOCUS: <span><span><span>Pivotal Recovery</span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span><span>Pivotal Recovery provide an affordable, anonymous online recovery course for people struggling with sex and/or porn addiction. Their programme is evidence based and they are currently developing further programmes for their partners. Their main client group are people who have committed a sexual offence as a consequence of their compulsive sexual behaviour, but they also work with those at risk of offending. <a href="">Find out more about Pivotal Recovery</a></span></span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-SIaSP2–" name="CMN-SIaSP2–"></a>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: Spark Inside announces Strategic Plan 2024 – 27</h3> <p>From coaching eight young people in their first year, to coaching over 200 young people every year across eight prisons, Spark Inside has been on its own Hero's Journey in the last 12 years! Read their <a href="">Strategic Plan 2024-27</a>, setting out their key aims for the next three years.</p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-CJAc" name="CMN-CJAc"></a>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: Criminal Justice AI chatbot</h3> <p>SherlockAI is a pioneering AI website chatbot service created by a unique team of prison leavers and former probation staff. This innovative 24/7 digital companion seamlessly integrates with social support website, to automatically answer questions without scrolling through the text. SherlockAI also draws insights from a wide variety of support agencies to offer comprehensive resettlement and rehabilitation support to every website visitor.</p> <p>A not-for-profit initiative, SherlockAI harnesses innovative technology to allow support staff to focus efforts where most needed, while maximizing support given to website visitors. By adopting this groundbreaking chatbot service, organizations join a community pioneering new tech to uplift services for the populations they serve. <a href="">Read more about SherlockAI</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CME-dfbtw" name="CME-dfbtw"></a>CLINKS MEMBER’S EVENT: documents from behind the wall</h3> <p>You’re invited to join the Rideout Archive launch <span class="sn-red">[30 April, 16.00-18.30, the University of Bristol Theatre Collection, free]</span>.</p> <p>This launch event is both an opportunity to explore the Rideout Archive and reflect on the complexities that surround the archiving of prison arts practices. Join the panel discussion by:</p> <ul><li>Saul Hewish (Co-founder and Artistic Director of Rideout)</li> <li>Dr Sarah Bartley (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama)</li> <li>Heather Romaine (Keeper: Theatre Archives, Bristol Theatre Collection).</li> </ul><p>The speakers will explore why prison arts practices have been largely absent from cultural histories, reflect on artists experiences of having work archived, and consider the distinct challenges of archiving such work. Dr Tom Six (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama), will be a respondent for the event and host the Q&amp;A. <a href="">Find out more and register here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CME-nroccf" name="CME-nroccf"></a>CLINKS MEMBER’S EVENT: new research on criminal court fines</h3> <p>Join the Centre for Justice Innovation for their launch of new research on criminal court fines <span class="sn-red">[16 May, 12.30-14.00, online, free]</span>.</p> <p>This research, which was supported by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, looks at court fines and particularly the impact of them on people with low incomes. The launch will be an opportunity to hear about the main findings from their research team, and from experts in the field including from people with lived experience, Damon Gibbons, Chief Executive, Centre for Responsible Credit and a representative of the Magistrates Association. The Centre’s Director, Phil Bowen, will chair a Q&amp;A to discuss the themes raised in the report. <a href="">Register here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CJS-CRSu" name="CJS-CRSu"></a><span><span><span><span><span>CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Commissioned Rehabilitative Services update</span></span></span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span>As announced recently in our Light Lunch edition on 1 March 2024, HMPPS have decided to commission future men's rehabilitative services across England and Wales as combined, whole-person services. Today they have put out the below notice providing detail on the geography of the contracts.<span class="sn-ncjaa-yellow"> </span>Clinks is working to get more information from HMPPS for the sector. We will continue to provide updates via Light Lunch.</span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span>Future men's rehabilitative services across England and Wales will be commissioned as <strong>29 units organised by police force area, with some bundling of areas with lower volumes.</strong> This mix of individual and bundled police force areas allows HMPPS to realise the benefits of separate smaller units, including strong local alignment and partnership building, whilst ensuring each lot is likely to receive bids and have sufficient funding to support effective delivery. </span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span>Below is the breakdown of units per HMPPS area (the full list is available on </span></span><a href=""><span><span>Jaggaer</span></span></a>)<span><span>: </span></span></span></span></p> <ul><li><span><span><span><span><strong>Midlands: </strong>5 units </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><strong>North East:</strong> 6 units </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><strong>North West:</strong> 4 units </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><strong>Wales: </strong>2 units </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><strong>South West and South Central:</strong> 5 units </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><strong>South East and East: </strong>6 units </span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><strong>London:</strong> 1 unit </span></span></span></span></li> </ul><p><span><span><span><span>Clinks will continue to represent the voluntary sector through our channels of influence, and if you would like support in understanding commissioning processes and procedures then please contact us at </span></span><a href=""><span><span></span></span></a><span><span>. </span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CJS-ItmeeftroHCRS" name="CJS-ItmeeftroHCRS"></a><span><span><span><span><span>CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Invitation to market engagement event for the recommissioning of HMPPS’ Commissioned Rehabilitative Services </span></span></span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span>HMPPS have announced their upcoming <a href="">market engagement session </a>for the recommissioning of HMPPS’ Commissioned Rehabilitative Services (CRS) for people in prison and on probation. </span> </span></span></span></p> <p class="xparagraph"><span><span><span><span><span><span>This session aims to gather feedback and insights from the market which will play a valuable role in the shaping of the future CRS probation services. </span> </span></span></span></span></span></p> <p class="xparagraph"><span><span><span><span><span><span>The session agenda will be published in advance via the Probation Dynamic Framework (DF), Probation Grants Portal and Clinks Light Lunch, along with questions planned for discussion during the session.  The questions will also be distributed as a survey, allowing organisations unable to attend the session the opportunity to still contribute their feedback.</span> </span></span></span></span></span></p> <p class="xparagraph"><span><span><span><span><span>This session will take place </span></span></span></span></span><span class="sn-red">[2 May, 14.00-16.00, online, free]</span><span><span><span><span><span> and will cover the following topics: </span></span></span></span></span></p> <ul><li><span><span><span><span><span><strong>Grants and Contracts</strong> – understanding the bidder experience and the challenges and benefits of each. </span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><span><strong>Local Alignment, Integration and Partnerships</strong> – how can we better support these ways of working? </span></span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span><span><strong>The role of VCSE organisations</strong> – how do we ensure a role for VCSEs that is fairly and sustainably managed? </span></span></span></span></span></li> </ul><p class="xparagraph"><span><span><span><span><span><span>HMPPS<strong> </strong>intend to hold future sessions to discuss other key topics and further information regarding this will be released in the near future.</span> <a href="">Register to attend the session via microsoft teams.</a></span></span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CJS-gcdo‘" name="CJS-gcdo‘"></a>CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: government cracks down on ‘deepfakes’</h3> <p>Last year, reforms in the Online Safety Act criminalised the sharing of ‘deepfake’ intimate images for the first time.</p> <p>Earlier this week the government has announced a new law that will prosecute people who create sexually explicit ‘deepfakes’. This new offence, which will be introduced through an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill, will mean anyone who makes these sexually explicit deepfake images of adults maliciously and without consent will face the consequences of their actions. <a href="">Read the press release here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="FV-NTL" name="FV-NTL"></a>FEATURED VACANCY: Night Team Leader </h3> <p>One Small Thing are looking for a Night Team Leader <span class="sn-red">[£28,378, Full Time, Southampton]</span> to lead their team of Night Safety and Night Support workers. You will be responsible for ensuring that the support provided at night to women and children residing at Hope Street is delivered safely, and that all the health and safety and housekeeping duties assigned to the Night Team are carried out appropriately and to the highest standard. You will line manage the team, conducting probation reviews, supervisions and any employee relations matters, and will liaise with the Day Team Leader and management team to ensure the support needs of women and children are met. [<a href="" target="_blank">Find out more and apply by 25 April here</a>] </p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="FV-CC-aW" name="FV-CC-aW"></a>FEATURED VACANCY: Circles Coordinator - Gloucestershire and Wiltshire </h3> <p>Circles South West is looking for a Circles Coordinator in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire <span class="sn-red">[3 or 3.5 days per week, £32,000-£38,640 pro-rata, working from home in Glos/Wilts or nearby]</span> to join their dedicated regional team of 12 staff and 180 volunteers working towards the vision of 'No More Victims' of sexual abuse. Circles of Support and Accountability contribute to risk management in the community, preventing sexual re-offending. You will have experience of working with people who have sexually harmed and understand how volunteers can contribute to their safe integration in the community. You will work closely with public protection agencies and be skilled in the management and support of volunteers. Complementary opportunities for groupwork and training. [<a href="" target="_blank">Find out more and apply by 24 April here</a>] </p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMV-" name="CMV-"></a>CLINKS MEMBERS’ VACANCIES:</h3> <p><span><span><span>Reading Specialist Lead - HMP Foston Hall with <strong>Shannon Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£33,000, Derby, part time]</span>; Programme Manager - East Midlands with <strong>Shannon Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£36,050, East Midlands, full time]</span>; Head of Fundraising and Philanthropy with <strong>Prison Reform Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£58,000 - £60,000, full time]</span>; Prison Facilitator - HMP Bure and HMP Norwich with <strong>Shannon Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£27,584, Norwich, full time]</span>;  Director of Finance and Resources with <strong>Women in Prison</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£58,000 - £62,000, full time]</span>; Human Resources (HR) Volunteer with <strong>Prison Advice and Care Trust (Pact)</strong> <span class="sn-red">[London, part time]</span>; HR Administrator (Data and Operations) with <strong>Prison Advice and Care Trust (Pact)</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£27,150, Hybrid working with at least 3 days a week in Head Office, full time]</span>; Lived Experience Co-ordinator - North London with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£25,154, North London, full time]</span>; Bounce Back for Kids (BB4K) Support Worker with <strong>Alana House, Parents and Children Together</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£24,745 - £30,243, Working flexibly from our Reading office, part time];</span> Family Intervention Coordinator with <strong>Spurgeons</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£30,891 - £35,196, HMP Winchester, full time]</span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=lightlunch816">For more information about these vacancies, and many more, click here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="ROTW-" name="ROTW-"></a>READS OF THE WEEK:</h3> <ul><li><a href="">Clergy denounce threat to homeless in Criminal Justice Bill</a></li> <li><a href="">Electricity from wind energy surpasses gas in 2023</a></li> <li><a href="">The kindest region of the UK revealed</a></li> <li><a href="">Raise a cuppa for charity this National Tea Day</a></li> </ul><h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="EI-" name="EI-"></a>EXTRA INFORMATION:</h3> <p class="text-align-center">About Clinks Light Lunch</p> <p class="text-align-center">This edition of Light Lunch has been sent to the inbox of 13877 people working (or with an interest) in the criminal justice system of England and Wales.<br /> If you would like to include something in a future edition of Light Lunch, <a href="">use our submission form</a>.<br /> Get involved <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks on Twitter</a><br /> Contact us <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter"></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="tel:020 4502 6774">020 4502 6774</a><br /><a href="">Click here to manage your subscriptions</a>. For assistance, email <a href=""></a><br /> Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE <br /> Registered charity: <a href="tel:1074546">1074546</a> | Company limited by guarantee in England &amp; Wales: 3562176<br /> © Clinks, 2024</p> <p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Clinks logo" height="150" src="" width="379" /></p></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/124838" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Abi Lunn</span> </span> <span>16 Apr 2024 - 15:42</span> Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:42:56 +0000 Abi Lunn 3094 at Clinks Health and Justice Bulletin | April 2024 <span>Clinks Health and Justice Bulletin | April 2024</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><img alt="Health and Justice bulletin" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="19131eea-499f-4fa5-962e-357de7824c65" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Health-and-Justice_2.png" class="align-center" width="650" height="150" loading="lazy" /><p> In this month's edition...</p> <ul class="tableOfContents"><li><a href="#Cu">Clinks update​</a></li> <li><a href="#N">News​</a></li> <li><a href="#E">Events​</a></li> <li><a href="#P">Publications​</a></li> <li><a href="#R​">Resources ​</a></li> <li><a href="#B">Blogs​</a></li> <li><a href="#Ei">Extra information​</a></li> </ul><h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="Cu" name="Cu"></a><img alt="Clinks update" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="1eeeaab5-5ec4-477d-b947-62e4bbb444c1" height="40" src="/sites/default/files/emails/handj%20banner%20final.jpg" width="653" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>Clinks' Health and Wellbeing Alliance work 2024-25</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>The Health and Wellbeing Alliance, of which Clinks is a member, has extended its current programme for a further year, to 2024-25. As such, we have been developing a new workplan for this year, that looks to further embed the work we have been doing around health into our wider work streams. If you are interested in finding out more about the plans for our work as part of the Alliance and how you can be involved, <a href="">please contact our Senior Policy and Communications officer, Abi Lunn</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>The Health and Justice Bulletin in 2024-25</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>As part of the development of our new workplan for our health work over the next year, we have made the decision to move the schedule for this Bulletin from monthly, to every other month. This change is to help us provide the most relevant and detailed information through this Bulletin. This means the next edition of the Bulletin will be sent on Tuesday 25 June 2024. We are interested in your views on this change and this Bulletin more broadly - <a href="">please contact the team to share any thoughts</a>.</p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-green">NHS England Proxy Access Programme</strong></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p>As part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, Clinks attended an event exploring how a single trusted person to be able to manage the health and care actions for someone else. This would enable them to do things like book and cancel GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions, etc. Further to that event, Clinks are working with NHS England to provide some further feedback on their plans. If this area is of particular interest to you, please do share your thoughts by <a href="">getting in touch with Clinks' Influence and Communications Manager, Rachel Tynan</a>.</p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="N" name="N"></a><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><u><img alt="News" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="4733fd9c-307b-4fe5-9030-178ea2b8b936" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Health%20News_7.jpg" width="650" height="40" loading="lazy" /></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></u></h2> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>Updated guidance on acute respiratory illness, including flu and Covid-19 in prisons</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>The UK Health Security Agency updated the guidance for managing acute respiratory conditions in prison and other prescribed places of detention, and the children and young people's secure estate. These updates to the guidance follow the changes made to outbreak testing from 1 April 2024, where during a suspected outbreak of an acute respiratory infection, settings can access multiplex PCR tests through their local health protection team to help identify the infection responsible. <a href="">Read the guidance here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>Nearly 100,000 drug tests carried out through the expansion of drug testing on arrest in England and Wales</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>The Home Office (HO) issued a press release about drug testing on arrest. This is where the behaviour of the person arrested was believed to have been driven by substance use needs. The HO said, from a sample of the total tests, over 90% of the positive tests resulted in a person being assessed by a drug support worker. Nearly half of those assessed were considered to need treatment and so were referred. The HO notes the government's commitment to expanding this scheme. Measures in the Criminal Justice Bill will enable testing for some Class B and C drugs too. It will also widen the range of offences which can trigger a test. <a href="">Read the press release here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>New measures to bolster Victims' and Prisoners Bill</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>The government announced several further amendments it will table to the Victims and Prisoners Bill. This includes provisions to enable victims of serious crimes committed by people with mental health disorders to give a Victim Impact Statement during the Mental Health Tribunal Process. This tales place before someone is released and allows them to request release conditions. Other amendments will introduce a new statutory duty on the police and other criminal justice agencies. This duty would mean they have to deliver services in accordance with the Victims' Code, as well as informing victims of their rights under it. Compliance with this duty will be overseen by the Victims Commissioner. <a href="">Read the announcement in full, along with a list of other amendments being tabled by the government, here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green">Education Committee inquiry into boys' attainment and engagement in education</strong></p> <p>The Commons Education Committee has started an inquiry into boy's attainment and engagement in education. As part of this, they have opened a call for written evidence, with a deadline for submissions of 11.59pm on Friday, 17 May 2024. The Committee are inviting submissions on areas including the wider social implications of boys' underperformance and under-engagement with education, as well as what can be done to reduce the exclusion and suspension rates of boys from school, and how the progression of boys into higher education can be improved. Clinks is exploring a response to the Committee's call for evidence. If you would like to contribute to this, <a href="">please email the Policy team</a>. <a href="">Read more about the Committee's inquiry here</a>.</p> <p><a id="E" name="E"></a><img alt="Events" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="397d0538-870a-440d-88ca-346586fce90e" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Health%20Events_5.jpg" width="650" height="40" loading="lazy" /></p> <p><strong class="sn-ncjaa-green">Who are the Connectors in your community?</strong></p> <p>The National Academy for Social Prescribing are holding a webinar [Wednesday, 1 May, 10.30am, online, free] that looks at the role of Connectors in bridging the gap between people's need for support and a lack of awareness about what is available. These Connectors are the people in our communities that simply signpost friends, families, colleagues, and strangers to the places where they can find out about support and opportunities, who play a crucial role in helping people find the information they need. In the webinar, speakers will present strategies for empowering connectors within communities to share information effectively. <a href="">Find out more and book a place here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green">Presumption against short sentences for children</strong></p> <p>The Alliance for Youth Justice and the Centre for Justice Innovation, are co-producing a webinar <span class="sn-red">[Tuesday 7 May, 12.30pm-1.30pm, online, free]</span> about the proposed presumption against short custodial sentences for children. This will discuss the implication of the Sentencing Bill and the wider opportunity it presents to ensure custody is used as a last resort for children. The event will be chaired by the Centre for Justice Innovation's Director, Phil Bowen, feature three experts, and include a question and answer session. <a href="">Find out more about the event and register to attend here</a>. </p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>New Research on criminal court fines</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>The Centre for Justice Innovation (CJI) are launching new research into criminal court fines <span class="sn-red">[16 May, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, online, free]</span>. The research, supported by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, looks particularly at the impact of court fines on people with low incomes. The launch will be an opportunity to hear about the main findings from the research team, and experts in the field including from people with lived experience. The CJI's Director, Phil Bowen, will chair a question and answer session to discuss the themes raised in the report. <a href="">Register for the event here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>North of England criminal justice forum</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>This forum <span class="sn-red">[Tuesday 21 May, 10am-11.30am, online, free]</span> has been organised to bring together partners working across the criminal justice system in the North of England. It will provide an opportunity for people to hear about current and future developments and discuss policy and practice affecting their day-to-day work. This quarterly forum is open to cross-sector organisations based or working in the North West, Greater Manchester, Yorkshire and the Humber, and the North East. The confirmed speakers include Helen Linsell from Dance United Yorkshire and Tina Young from NEPACS. <a href="">Book your place here</a>.</p> <p>Fifth International Social Prescribing Conference</p> <p>The National Academy for Social Prescribing and the Social Prescribing Network are holding the Fifth International Social Prescribing Conference<span class="sn-red"> [19 and 20 June 2024, University of Westminster, London, NW1, £120 to £180 plus VAT, with discounts available for students and voluntary organisations]</span>. This year's conference will focus on innovation in social prescribing, with panel talks, workshops, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities across themes including innovation in social prescribing including arts, nature, heritage, and digital; social prescribing for children and young people; health inequalities and major conditions; and the future of social prescribing. <a href="">Find out more and buy tickets here</a>.</p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="P" name="P"></a><img alt="Publications" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="01be7812-38ab-402e-a15a-313b0f0c66cb" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Health%20Publications_8.jpg" width="650" height="40" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>Exploring the experiences of accessing support for alcohol issues and suicidal ideation</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>The Samaritans, with their partners in the Suicide Prevention Consortium, published a report. This explores experiences of accessing support for alcohol issues and suicidal ideation. It is based on a survey and interviews of people with relevant lived experience. The report identifies five key themes where improvement is needed to address the barriers preventing more people from accessing the help they need. These themes include that peer support networks and voluntary sector services form a vital part of the support pathway. Also, the 'no wrong door approach' is much needed. This is because people are too often turned away when healthcare professionals think someone is under the remit of another part of the system. <a href="">Read the report here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green">Drug and alcohol treatments for victims and suspects of homicide</strong></p> <p><span><span><span>The Office for Health Improvements and Disparities and the Home Office published a Better Outcomes through Linked Data report looking at the use of substance misuse treatment services by victims and suspects of homicide in England. It links records from the Homicide Index database (HI) between April 2019 and March 2021 with records from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS). It found 3% of victims and 11% of suspects of homicide had a treatment record in the NDTMS, with 10% of all homicide incidents including a victim or suspect with at least one treatment record for either drugs or alcohol. Most suspects (68% of those with a treatment record) had a treatment record only after the homicide, most of which were for treatment in prison. Almost two-thirds (62% of those with a treatment record) of all suspects in the HI were involved with a homicide that was recorded as drug-related. </span></span></span><a href="">Read the report in full here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>How is youth diversion working for children with special educational needs and disabilities? </span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span>The Centre for Justice Innovation published a report exploring how diversion processes are working for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and what can be done to ensure they have the appropriate access to diversion. Drawing on the experience of practitioners from the police and youth justice services, as well as children with SEND, it concludes many parts of the youth diversion process are not fit for purpose for children with SEND. It goes on to make a number of recommendations for change, such as the National Police Chiefs Council should ensure the policing of children is responding appropriately to the needs of children with SEND, and that legal regulatory bodies should ensure children with SEND are receiving adequate and accessible legal advice. </span></span></span><a href="">Read the report here</a>.</p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>Number of recalls for people serving determinate sentences</span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span>The Ministry of Justice published an ad hoc set of statistics looking at the number of fixed-term and standard recalls of people serving determinate sentences between January 2017 and September 2023. This found fixed-term recalls had fallen as a proportion of all recalls between 2017 and January to September 2023, down 20 percentage points. Conversely, standard term recalls had risen in both volume and proportion, making up 75% of recalls from January to September 2023, compared to 55% in 2017. There had also been an even greater increase in the proportion of standard term recalls for people serving sentences of less than 12 months over the same time period. Between September 2017 and September 2023, the recall population nearly doubled, reaching 12,031. </span></span></span><a href="">Read the statistics in full here</a>.</p> <p><a id="R​" name="R​"></a><img alt="Resources " data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="284e7431-1d31-497a-a918-dcd755b6883c" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Resources_2.jpg" width="650" height="40" loading="lazy" /></p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>Lived experience in policymaking guide</span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span>The Civil Service Policy Lab published a guide to lived experience in policy making, which takes specific lessons from the Changing Futures project, particularly the work National Expert Citizen Group co-ordinated and supported by Revolving Doors. This guide aims to make explicit some of the underlying principles policy makers might consider to carry out effective and empathetic lived experience work. The guide sets out seven principles for lived experience work, including giving people time to prepare, reminding people they are valued, and providing opportunities for people to see the impact of their contribution. </span></span></span>It also gives some practical consideration around things, including considering commissioning a professional lived experience group, ensuring people are thanked for their time, and reimbursing them so there are no practical barriers to entry. <a href="">Read the guide here</a>.</p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="B" name="B"></a><img alt="Blogs" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="9a013c2a-593d-4312-bca5-7b50c55bfc6f" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Health%20Blogs_7.jpg" width="650" height="40" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>It's good that boys are being moved out of Cookham Wood, but we should not stop there</span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span>Following the government's announcement about Cookham Wood, the Howard League for Penal Reform's Chief Executive, Andrea Coomber, has written a blog arguing that this move should be the first step towards closing all prisons holding children. <a href="">Read the blog here</a>. </span></span></span></p> <p><strong class="sn-green"><span><span><span>Exploring suicide and stigma with different communities</span></span></span></strong></p> <p>The Samaritans, with their partners in the Suicide Prevention Consortium, have explored suicide and stigma with different communities. This included Roma people, Showmen, Gypsy people, and New Travellers. Working with people from these communities, they shared what was important to them for policy makers to know about suicide and stigma in their communities. This resulted in a series of blogs about what they said. <a href="">Read the blogs here</a>.</p> <p><a id="Ei" name="Ei"></a><img alt="Extra information" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="e1d7d16f-f262-47ca-a8f3-eda9dad5e66b" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Health%20Extra%20Information_7.jpg" width="650" height="40" loading="lazy" /></p> <p class="text-align-center">About Clinks Health and Justice bulletin</p> <p class="text-align-center">This regular bulletin provides Clinks members with the latest news for voluntary organisations involved in the health and care of people in the criminal justice system. <a href="">To submit content please complete this form</a>. </p> <p class="text-align-center">Get involved <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks on Twitter</a></p> <p class="text-align-center">Contact us <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter"></a> | <a href=""></a> | 020 4502 6774</p> <p class="text-align-center"><a href="">Click here to manage your subscriptions</a>. For assistance, email <a href=""></a></p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE </p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered charity: 1074546 | Company limited by guarantee in England &amp; Wales: 3562176</p> <p class="text-align-center">© Clinks, 2024</p> <img alt="Clinks logo" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="65767d29-d6ee-4852-948d-9b708c6aa593" height="131" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_logo_strap_rgb_low-res_1_0_0.jpg" width="335" class="align-center" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/119186" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Franklin Barrington</span> </span> <span>11 Apr 2024 - 17:37</span> Thu, 11 Apr 2024 16:37:58 +0000 Franklin Barrington 3093 at Anne Peaker 2024 | Thank You <span>Anne Peaker 2024 | Thank You </span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><img alt="annual conference 2024 ebulletin banner" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="497531f2-e082-4d3d-9db3-0c4e0d19f1cd" height="199" src="/sites/default/files/emails/Anne%20Peaker%202024%20-ebulletin%20banner%20%281200%20x%20300%20px%29%20%281%29.png" width="797" class="align-center" loading="lazy" /><h2 class="sn-ncjaa-red text-align-center"><span> </span>Anne Peaker Lecture 2024  - Thank You<span> </span></h2> <p class="sn-ncjaa-red">Thank you for joining us for the Anne Peaker Lecture 2024. We hope you found the lecture interesting and thought-provoking in light of the findings from the Inspiring Futures report. This year's event also celebrated artists in contact with the criminal justice system. We hope that as an audience you were as inspired as we were in working with the organisations who produced this year's creative content.</p> <p>We would like to say an extra thank you to our contributors: Dr Caroline Lanskey, Sarah Hartley, Anna Herrmann, Sara Lee, Simon Pellew OBE, Ben Digby, Bettina Crossick and Richard Ings.</p> <p>A huge thank you to the artists who provided this year's creative content, supplied to us via <a href="">Clean Break</a>, <a href="">Helix Arts</a> the <a href="">Irene Taylor Trust</a>, and <a href="">Only Connect</a>.</p> <p>All of our contributors provided deeply thoughtful and evocative moments for our attendees to think about moving forward. </p> <p class="sn-ncjaa-red"><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red">Creative content and resources</strong></p> <p>Please click the link to view the <a href="">slides from Dr Caroline Lanskey's presentation</a><strong> </strong>of the Inspiring Futures report findings.  </p> <p>We are pleased to be able to supply the four pieces of creative content from this year's event for you to enjoy at your leisure.</p> <p><a href="">Wrong Road, Right Path </a>- Irene Taylor Trust</p> <p><a href="">Avant Guard Presentation</a> - Helix Arts</p> <p><a href="">A Proposal for Resisting Darkness</a> - Clean Break (<a href="">read an interview with the playwright, Yasmin Joseph</a>)</p> <p><a href="">Music Showcase Video</a> - Only Connect</p> <p class="sn-ncjaa-red"><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red">What did you think of the event?</strong><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red"> </strong></p> <p class="sn-ncjaa-red">We value your feedback. We would appreciate just 5 minutes of your time to fill out a quick <a href="">evaluation survey</a> of this event.</p> <p class="sn-ncjaa-red"><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red">Stay tuned</strong></p> <p>We will be publishing the full Inspiring Futures report soon, so keep an eye on NCJAA and Clinks comms channels for an update.</p> <p>Subscribe to <a href="">Light Lunch</a> and the <a href="">NCJAA newsletter</a> to keep up to date with the latest news, events &amp; training and publications.</p> <p>Tweet us <a href="">@ArtsCJS</a> using #AnnePeaker2024</p> <img alt="Anne Peaker 2024 Linktree QR code" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="bb3b874c-64ff-4ac2-a370-e757094a3e5b" height="179" src="/sites/default/files/emails/annepeaker2024.png" width="179" class="align-center" loading="lazy" /><p class="text-align-center">Visit the Anne Peaker 2024 Linktree by scanning the QR code or <a href="">clicking here</a> for everything Anne Peaker and information on the Inspiring Futures project. </p> <p class="text-align-center">-----------------------------------------------------------</p> <p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Clinks Logo" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="caa14c03-50ed-43d9-bcfa-86fd77974d83" height="146" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_logo_strap_rgb_low-res.jpg" width="370" loading="lazy" /></p> <p class="text-align-center">The National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance is embedded in Clinks.</p> <p class="text-align-center">Get involved <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks on Twitter </a>| <a href="">Follow NCJAA on Twitter</a></p> <p class="text-align-center">Contact us <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter"></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | 020 7383 0966</p> <p class="text-align-center">For assistance, email <a href=""></a></p> <p class="text-align-center">© Clinks, 2024</p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE </p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered charity: 1074546 | Company limited by guarantee in England &amp; Wales: 3562176</p></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/124611" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Jason Watt</span> </span> <span>10 Apr 2024 - 15:44</span> Wed, 10 Apr 2024 14:44:35 +0000 Jason Watt 3092 at Clinks Light Lunch | Issue 827 | 12 April 2024 <span>Clinks Light Lunch | Issue 827 | 12 April 2024</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Light Lunch Clinks" src="" /></p> <p>In this issue...</p> <ul class="tableOfContents"><li><a href="#MF-VL">MEMBER FOCUS: Vox Liminis</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-dpppbip">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: does probation push people back into prison?</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-leicl">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: lived experience is changing lives</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-pRJac">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: promoting Restorative Justice, a new campaign</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-sgpapw">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: sentencing guidelines, parents, and pregnant women</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-ctcppc">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: collaboration to challenge poor prison conditions</a></li> <li><a href="#CJS-nmtgva">CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: new measures to give victims a voice</a></li> <li><a href="#CMT-tocfcaya">CLINKS MEMBER’S TRAINING: theory of change for children and young adults</a></li> <li><a href="#CMT-ttcusowc">CLINKS MEMBER’S TRAINING: training to challenge unfair sentences or wrongly convicted</a></li> <li><a href="#P-cpaiad">PUBLICATION: criminalisation, policing, and intervention and diversion</a></li> <li><a href="#O-sfstch">OPPORTUNITY: searching for somewhere to call home?</a></li> <li><a href="#FV-PAaPM ">FEATURED VACANCY: Public Affairs and Policy Manager  </a></li> <li><a href="#FV-CC-aW">FEATURED VACANCY: Circles Coordinator - Gloucestershire and Wiltshire </a></li> <li><a href="#CMV-">CLINKS MEMBERS’ VACANCIES:</a></li> <li><a href="#ROTW-">READS OF THE WEEK:</a></li> <li><a href="#EI-">EXTRA INFORMATION:</a></li> </ul><h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="MF-VL" name="MF-VL"></a><span><span><span>MEMBER FOCUS: <span><span><span><span>Vox Liminis</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Vox Liminis is </span></span></span>an arts and community organisation working within criminal justice, to spark fresh conversations and insights so that the response to crime, harm and conflict might build or rebuild connections, trust and belonging rather than further divisions. <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=lightlunch827">Learn more about V<span><span><span>ox Liminis</span></span></span></a></span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-dpppbip" name="CMN-dpppbip"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: does probation push people back into prison?</span></span></span></h3> <p>There are now more than 200,000 people on probation across England and Wales. The original duties of a probation officer were clear-cut: 'advise, assist, and befriend.'</p> <p>But with staff shortages and unmanageable caseloads leading to limited contact time, and power imbalance built into each interaction, are probation officers able to develop meaningful relationships and help people to turn their lives around? Or is the system actually pushing people back into prison?</p> <p>Joining hosts Rob and Penelope to discuss the ins and outs of probation are writer and speaker David Shipley who spent more than two years on probation, and community justice lecturer and former probation officer Julie Eden-Barnard. <a href="">Listen here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-leicl" name="CMN-leicl"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: lived experience is changing lives</span></span></span></h3> <p>One of the six new Lived Experience Consultants at Prisoners’ Education Trust (PET) has written about his experience helping the charity reach more people in prison and develop the support they offer to learners, as part of their National Lottery Community Fund project. Find out how <a href="">lived experience is changing lives</a>. </p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-pRJac" name="CMN-pRJac"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: promoting Restorative Justice, a new campaign</span></span></span></h3> <p>Why me? have launched a <a href="">national billboard campaign</a> to promote Restorative Justice in partnership with JCDecaux. There are four different designs which will appear on hundreds of billboards across major cities in the UK, running until the end of April. The aim of the campaign is to capture the imagination of the public and explain Restorative Justice to new audiences in a way that is simple and easy-to-understand. <a href="">View the campaign details here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-sgpapw" name="CMN-sgpapw"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: s</span></span></span>entencing guidelines, parents, and pregnant women</h3> <p>Rona Epstein is an Honorary Research Fellow at Coventry Law School who has an article publishe in InsideTime to help people in prison, or people working across criminal justice to better understand sentencing guidelines for parents and pregnant women. </p> <p>The article includes real examples, with names changed and shows the considerations that may help to overrule a sentence on appeal. <a href="">Read more here</a> You can also <a href="">e-mail Rona Epstein</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-ctcppc" name="CMN-ctcppc"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: </span></span></span>collaboration to challenge poor prison conditions</h3> <p><span><span><span>A recent report by the Prison Inspectorate of the women’s prison HMP Eastwood Park was shocking. </span></span></span><span><span><span>It reports mentally ill women held in cells with blood spattered walls – the blood being left un-cleaned after self-harm incidents by previous prisoners. </span></span></span></p> <ul></ul><p><span><span><span>“Some of the most vulnerable women across the prison estate were held in an environment wholly unsuitable for their therapeutic needs. The levels of distress we observed were appalling. No prisoner should be held in such terrible conditions.” Mr Taylor, Chief Inspector of Prisons.</span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>This is a call for collaboration by the Centre for Women's Justice, asking for family and friends </span></span></span>who visit loved ones in HMP Wandsworth and Eastwood Park prison for women to share their stories so that evidence of the conditions can be gathered and these conditions challenged. <a href="">Find out more and get involved</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CJS-nmtgva" name="CJS-nmtgva"></a><span><span><span>CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: </span></span></span>new measures to give victims a voice</h3> <p>In a press release from the Ministry of Justice, they share new measures whereby victims of serious crimes committed by those with mental disorders will be able to explain in their own words the impact the offence has had on them, thanks to new amendments to the Victims and Prisoners Bill. </p> <p>New measures will mean survivors are provided with the opportunity to make a Victim Impact Statement during the Mental Health Tribunal process, which takes places before offenders are released and allows survivors to request release conditions. <a href="">Read more here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMT-tocfcaya" name="CMT-tocfcaya"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S TRAINING: </span></span></span>theory of change for children and young adults</h3> <p>Register for your place in this Academy seminar - <a href="">Constructive Working: The theory of change for children and young adults</a> featuring Professor Neal Hazel who led the development of "Constructive Working" <span class="sn-red">[14 May, 16:00 - 17:15, online, free]</span>.</p> <p>The seminar provides an opportunity to explore contemporary research understandings of ‘what works’ with children and young adults in criminal justice, and to consider what it means for our own practice. <a href="">Book your place here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMT-ttcusowc" name="CMT-ttcusowc"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S TRAINING: training to challenge unfair sentences or wrongly convicted</span></span></span></h3> <p>The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) is offering free online information sessions to charities and organisations supporting people with criminal convictions.</p> <p>The main role of the CCRC is to review the cases of people who claim that they have been wrongly convicted or unfairly sentenced by the Crown Courts or Magistrates Court in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. They consider whether there is new evidence or argument that may cast doubt on the safety of an original decision. Once  investigations are completed, they can refer it back to the appropriate appeal court for re-consideration. The CCRC is the only governing bod with the power to do this.</p> <p>Applicants do not have to be legally represented to come to the CCRC and there are no costs involved to apply for a review of a case. The free online information sessions are around an hour long and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. If interested, please contact <a href=""></a> The CCRC can also visit your organisation to provide the information session in person if preferred.</p> <p><span><span><span>NON-MEMBERS’ EVENTS OR TRAINING:</span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>RESOURCE / PUBLICATION / OPPORTUNITY:</span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="P-cpaiad" name="P-cpaiad"></a><span><span><span>PUBLICATION: </span></span></span>criminalisation, policing, and intervention and diversion</h3> <p>The Alliance for Youth Justice and Leaders Unlocked published the latest report from the Young Advocates for Youth Justice. The Young Advocates project is led by children and young people aged 13 to 21 who have lived experience of the youth justice system. This is the Young Advocates second report, and it focusses on criminalisation, policing, and intervention and diversion. The aim was to explore the routes into the criminal justice system for young people, as compared to the pathways out and away from it. In response to the findings, the Young Advocates developed a series of recommendations for decision makers to address these challenges. <a href="">Read the report</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="O-sfstch" name="O-sfstch"></a><span><span><span>OPPORTUNITY: </span></span></span>searching for somewhere to call home?</h3> <p>Revolving Doors is looking for another charity or organisation to join their office-share arrangement for two to three days a week (minimum of two days per week, Monday-Tuesday, with the option of Fridays).</p> <p>On offer is the full use of the office space in Elephant &amp; Castle's Southbank Techno Park, 90 London Road, SE1 6LN. Part of a secure monitored modern building, the office features 12 desks including 12 free-standing monitors, and a separate meeting room space, at a rental cost of <span class="sn-red">£250.00 per day</span> (inclusive of all utilities).</p> <p>This would be ideal for another small charity looking for a new base. If you're interested, Revolving Door would love to hear from you. Email Office Manager <a href=""></a>, or call her on 07961 285 525.</p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="FV-PAaPM " name="FV-PAaPM "></a>FEATURED VACANCY: Public Affairs and Policy Manager  </h3> <p>The Traveller Movement are looking for a Public Affairs and Policy Manager <span class="sn-red">[£35,000-40,000, Full-Time, London]</span> to play a crucial role in helping determine and shape TMs policy goals and how best to achieve them. Working closely and collaboratively with colleagues from across the organisation, and in close consultation with the TMs internal and external stakeholder groups and networks, you will develop policy, research and campaigning projects to meet the organisations’ strategic objectives. You will be able to understand complex policy issues and recognise their relevance to the TM and identify policy solutions. You will lead TMs public relations and influencing work developing relationships with policy makers, partner organisations, parliamentarians, and the media. [<a href="" target="_blank" title="">Find out more and apply by 30 April here</a>] </p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="FV-CC-aW" name="FV-CC-aW"></a>FEATURED VACANCY: Circles Coordinator - Gloucestershire and Wiltshire </h3> <p>Circles South West is looking for a Circles Coordinator in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire <span class="sn-red">[3 or 3.5 days per week, £32,000-£38,640 pro-rata, working from home in Glos/Wilts or nearby]</span> to join their dedicated regional team of 12 staff and 180 volunteers working towards the vision of 'No More Victims' of sexual abuse. Circles of Support and Accountability contribute to risk management in the community, preventing sexual re-offending. You will have experience of working with people who have sexually harmed and understand how volunteers can contribute to their safe integration in the community. You will work closely with public protection agencies and be skilled in the management and support of volunteers. Complementary opportunities for groupwork and training. [<a href="" target="_blank" title="">Find out more and apply by 24 April here</a>] </p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMV-" name="CMV-"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBERS’ VACANCIES:</span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span>Saracens Foundation Reoffending Reduction Project Officer with <strong>Saracens Sport Foundation</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£25,000 - £28,000, Hendon, London, full time]</span>; Senior Support Worker with <strong>St Giles Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£28,000 - £31,500, Havering, East London, full time]</span>; Financial Wellbeing Coach with <strong>St Giles Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£25,500, South Wales, based at either Newport, Cardiff or Swansea Office, full time]</span>; Specialist Caseworker – ED with <strong>St Giles Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£30,000, London - Whittington Hospital (Emergency Department), full time]</span>; Monitoring &amp; Evaluation Officer with <strong>The Welcome Directory</strong><span class="sn-red"> [£27,302, Home based, part time]</span>; Complex Needs &amp; Housing Community Keyworker with <strong>One Small Thing</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£26,000, Hampshire, full time]</span>; Programme Facilitator with <strong>Women in Prison</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£25,874, Hulme, Manchester, full time]</span>; Fundraising Officer (Trusts) with <strong>StandOut</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£28,000 - £31,000, Hybrid, with regular meetings in our London Office in Vauxhall, part time]</span>; Circles Co-Ordinator with <strong>Humbercare</strong> Ltd <span class="sn-red">[£29,067, Hull, full time]</span>; Peer Volunteer with <strong>St Giles Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[Leeds Media Centre, part time]</span>; </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=lightlunch718"><span><span><span><span>For more information about these vacancies, and many more, click here</span></span></span></span></a></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="ROTW-" name="ROTW-"></a><span><span><span>READS OF THE WEEK:</span></span></span></h3> <ul><li><a href="">£12m Lottery Boost Promotes UK Community Unity</a></li> <li><a href="">Minister says being smelly shouldn’t be arrestable offence</a></li> <li><a href="">Prime Minister launches retail crime crackdown</a></li> <li><a href="">The joyful preloved fashion boom</a></li> </ul><h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="EI-" name="EI-"></a>EXTRA INFORMATION:</h3> <p class="text-align-center">About Clinks Light Lunch<br /><br /> To include something in Light Lunch, <a href="">submit your request</a> by 12:00 each Wednesday.</p> <p class="text-align-center">Light Lunch is sent to 13877 people who have an interest in the criminal justice system. <br /> Get involved <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks on Twitter</a><br /> Contact us <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter"></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="tel:020 4502 6774">020 4502 6774</a><br /><a href="">Click here to manage your subscriptions</a>. For assistance, email <a href=""></a><br /> Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE <br /> Registered charity: <a href="tel:1074546">1074546</a> | Company limited by guarantee in England &amp; Wales: 3562176<br /> © Clinks, 2024</p> <p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Clinks logo" height="150" src="" width="379" /></p></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/124143" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Darryn Frost</span> </span> <span>10 Apr 2024 - 14:56</span> Wed, 10 Apr 2024 13:56:59 +0000 Darryn Frost 3091 at Clinks Policy Briefing | April 2024 <span>Clinks Policy Briefing | April 2024</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><img alt="Policy Briefing" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="cabbf9ce-0da4-485e-9b4d-dcdec67a9ad0" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_policy-briefing_header_1_10.png" class="align-center" width="600" height="150" loading="lazy" /><p><strong>In this month's edition...</strong></p> <ul class="tableOfContents"><li><a href="#PwaC">Policy work at Clinks​ </a></li> <li><a href="#Ga">Government announcements​</a></li> <li><a href="#P">Publications​</a></li> <li><a href="#B">Blogs​</a></li> <li><a href="#Ei">Extra information​</a></li> </ul><h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="PwaC" name="PwaC"></a><img alt="Policy work at Clinks" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="6d47026c-91a9-4741-960b-1f89e32d2527" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_policy-briefing_section-headings_1_28.png" width="600" height="75" loading="lazy" /> </h2> <p class="MsoNormal">Building on the past decade of our <em>State of the Sector</em> research, we have published our 2023 research, providing a snapshot of the voluntary sector working in criminal justice in the 2022-23 financial year. It looks at the profile of the sector, its finances, its future, and the changes it wants to see from the government that wins the upcoming general election.</p> <p>From the research, three key themes emerged:</p> <ol><li>The voluntary sector working in criminal justice continue to operate in a challenging environment</li> <li>Organisations prefer grant funding over contract arrangements, including for future government commissioning</li> <li>Organisations were cautiously confident about their financial sustainability over the next two years but uncertain about what service delivery might look like.</li> </ol><p class="MsoNormal">Get up to speed with the view of the sector by reading <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=Policy%20Briefing%05April24"><em>State of the Sector 2023</em></a>.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span><span class="a ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u ui-provider v w x y z" dir="ltr">We have now published <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=Policy%20Briefing%05April24">the first in a series of three reports looking at the barriers to accessing accommodation for people leaving prison</a>. This is part of the work of the RR3’s Special Interest Group (SIG) on Accommodation and will be followed by further reports looking at accessing the private rented sector and accessing housing-related support. Clinks’ Head of Influence &amp; Communications, Sam Julius, will present the findings at the Cross-Whitehall Accommodation Board in May.</span></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span><span class="a ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u ui-provider v w x y z" dir="ltr">We will be publishing a report from the RR3 SIG on Employment in the coming weeks that explores the barriers to employment for people in prison and on their release. This will form the basis of a private roundtable with senior Ministry of Justice officials, held on 10 April. We look forward to reporting back following that roundtable.</span></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span><span class="a ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u ui-provider v w x y z" dir="ltr">The team is also working on a policy paper focused on early intervention, prevention and diversion for women in contact with the criminal justice system. The work is being done in conjunction with HMPPS’s Women’s Team and the MoJ’s Female Offenders and Health Policy team. The paper’s findings will be presented at the next Women in the Criminal Justice System Expert Group meeting, which will be held in either the last week of April or the first week of May. </span></span></p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="Ga" name="Ga"></a><img alt="Government announcements" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="df1bca32-13da-499c-afe4-42ea78cc6cc9" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_policy-briefing_section-headings_2_28.png" width="600" height="75" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><a href="">Cookham Wood to be repurposed</a> | <span><span><span>The government announced young people held in HMYOI Cookham Wood will be transferred to other establishments and the site will be repurposed as an adult men's prison. The announcement outlined young people will be moved to other sites across the secure youth estate, on a case-by-case basis accounting for individual needs, the views from other professionals, and the need to maintain family ties. This follows Cookham Wood being issued an Urgent Notification in April 2023 and further improvements which cannot be delivered to the scale required in an acceptable time frame. <a href="">HM Chief Inspector of Prisons said</a>, “This rerole is driven by failure to plan for the growing population of adult prisoners, and not the urgent need to provide better support for children in its care, who will now face the uncertainty of being moved to another establishment.”</span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Government response to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee</a> | The House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee published the government's response to its <a href="">inquiry into community sentences</a> report. This response goes through 48 conclusions and recommendations that the Committee made in its report, published at the end of December 2023. In its response, the government notes that "delivering public protection is not just about a better use of custody and that custody should be imposed as a last resort". It also highlights the Sentencing Bill and its provisions for a duty to be placed on the courts to suspend sentences of 12 months or less. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Further changes coming into force under Charities Act 2022</a> | On 7 March 2024, further changes were introduced by the Charities Act 2022. These include changes around charities making changes to governing documents; selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of charity land; charity mergers. The changes also extend to other provisions, including authorising a trustee to receive or retain a payment for work completed for the charity where the Commission decides it would be inequitable for a trustee not to be paid, and confirming defective of potentially defective trustee appointments. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Female Offender Strategy delivery dashboard</a> | </span></span></span>The Ministry of Justice has published a Delivery Dashboard for the Female Offender Delivery Strategy. This is a web-based visualisation tool that allows users to view and customise charts based on key metrics within the Female Offender Strategy Delivery Plan. The Dashboard can be used to discover data available on women in the criminal justice system and as a starting point for further investigation.</p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="P" name="P"></a><img alt="Publications" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="7ac907b2-52cc-4cb6-97d6-cce75724b5ca" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_policy-briefing_section-headings_4_28.png" width="600" height="75" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><strong class="sn-orange"><span><span><span>Prisons and probation</span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Prison performance data for 2022 to 2023</a> | </span></span></span>The Ministry of Justice and HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) published the latest prison performance data to supplement the HMPPS Annual Report and Accounts. This performance data sets out the cost per prison place and per person in prison in England and Wales. In 2022-23, the overall resource expenditure (including the net expenditure managed and recorded in each prison and the net expenditure met at a regional and national level recorded in the Annual accounts of HMPPS), was £51,724, representing a real terms increase of 3.7% on 2021-22.</p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Number of recalls for people serving determinate sentences</a> | The Ministry of Justice published an ad hoc set of statistics looking at the number of fixed-term and standard recalls of people serving determinate sentences between January 2017 and September 2023. This found fixed-term recalls had fallen as a proportion of all recalls between 2017 and January to September 2023, down 20 percentage points. Conversely, standard term recalls had risen in both volume and proportion, making up 75% of recalls from January to September 2023, compared to 55% in 2017. There had also been an even greater increase in the proportion of standard term recalls for people serving sentences of less than 12 months over the same time period. Between September 2017 and September 2023, the recall population nearly doubled, reaching 12,031. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Mental health in prisons</a> | </span></span></span>Nacro published the second report of its Justice ExChange, a network of people who have been in contact with the criminal justice system and received support from Nacro, looking at mental health in prisons. This explores the level of mental health issues in prisons and how people in prison who have mental health issues are identified, the impact the prison environment can have on people's mental health, the support currently available in prison, and the impact all this can have on people's ability to transform their lives on release. Recommendations include passing the draft Mental Health Bill 2022, improving screening and training to identify mental health needs, better support provision and relationships with staff, and improving transfers to secure mental health facilities.</p> <p><strong class="sn-orange">Human rights</strong></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Civil and political rights in Great Britain: February 2024</a> | The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) published a report responding to the United Nations' list of issues, ahead of its examination of the UK, providing updates since 2020. It notes the record prison population in England and Wales and the warnings of HM Chief Inspector of Prisons on a "prison population crisis". The EHRC raises concerns about the provisions in the Criminal Justice Bill to allow the transfer of people in prison overseas and the implications for the rights of people who may be transferred. It also raised worries about the conditions and treatment in adult prisons and the youth estate, including severe staff shortages and the roll-out of PAVA. Based on these observations, the EHRC go on to make a number of recommendations.</span></span></span></p> <p><strong class="sn-orange"><span><span><span>Youth justice</span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Inspection frameworks: Youth diversion and out of court disposals</a> | The Centre for Justice Innovation published a briefing, commissioned by the Youth Endowment Fund. It aims to provide an overview of the national inspection frameworks (including joint inspections) used to monitor the delivery of diversion work undertaken by youth justice services and the police, summarise findings from recent inspection reports, and outline recommendations for improvements around the types of inspections and how these are undertaken. The paper is based on discussions with experts, including representatives of the police, youth justice service, Youth Justice Board, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire &amp; Rescue Services, and HM Inspectorate of Probation. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">The Big Ambitions: Ambitions, Findings, and Solutions</a> | The Children's Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, published the findings of <a href="">The Big Ambition</a> research, which saw engagement from 367,000 children and adults. </span></span></span>In the <em>Ambitions, Findings, Solutions</em> paper, 33 ambitions for change were set out. One ambition is for any child who needs secure care to receive it in an integrated, homely environment to replace current forms of secure provision. This includes calling for the phase out of young offender institutions and secure training centres and replacing them with an integrated model of care that can support all children with high levels of needs relating to mental health, welfare, or offending. Another ambition is for every child to be safer after an interaction with the police or youth justice system.</p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Data on youth diversions</a> | The Centre for Justice Innovation published a briefing, commissioned by the Youth Endowment Foundation, providing an overview of youth diversion data, who collects this data, what it includes, and an assessment of the currently available data. The paper concludes that the current gaps that exist in youth diversion data do need to be filled. However, this comes with the caveats on minimising the amount of stigmatising contact children have through diversion, and the possibility that more codification and data collection could </span></span></span>lead to tightening of the guidance around which children are diverted, how many times they can be diverted, and what they will in the future.</p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">How is youth diversion working for children with special educational needs and disabilities?</a> | The Centre for Justice Innovation published a report exploring how diversion processes are working for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and what can be done to ensure they have the appropriate access to diversion. Drawing on the experience of practitioners from the police and youth justice services, as well as children with SEND, it concludes many parts of the youth diversion process are not fit for purpose for children with SEND. It goes on to make a number of recommendations for change, such as the National Police Chiefs Council should ensure the policing of children is responding appropriately to the needs of children with SEND, and that legal regulatory bodies should ensure children with SEND are receiving adequate and accessible legal advice. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Valuing youth diversion: A toolkit for practitioners</a> | The Centre for Justice Innovation (CJI) has updated its toolkit for practitioners involved in or considering creating a diversion scheme for children in contact with the criminal justice system. This is the sixth edition of the toolkit, and it sets out the evidence for youth diversion, the policy and practice context, principles of effective practice, and how the CJI can support the police and youth justice practitioners around youth diversion schemes. </span></span></span></p> <p><a href="">The Jay Review of Criminally Exploited Children</a> | Action for Children published the Jay Review of Criminally Exploited Children, which was chaired by Prof Alexis Jay, Chair of the Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection. Based on evidence from 70 organisations and individuals, the Review's findings included the absence of a clear and consistent definition of the criminal exploitation of children is a barrier to protecting and supporting them, too many exploited children are treated as criminals rather than victims and do not receive a child protection response, and early intervention is essential to prevent and disrupt exploitation but funding cuts have restricted the ability of services to respond. Recommendations include a welfare-first approach being taken in the management of offences committed by exploited young people.</p> <p><strong class="sn-orange"><span><span><span>Lived experience</span></span></span></strong></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Lived experience in policymaking guide</a> | The Civil Service Policy Lab published a guide to lived experience in policy making, which takes specific lessons from the Changing Futures project, particularly the work National Expert Citizen Group co-ordinated and supported by Revolving Doors. This guide aims to make explicit some of the underlying principles policy makers might consider to carry out effective and empathetic lived experience work. The guide sets out seven principles for lived experience work, including giving people time to prepare, reminding people they are valued, and providing opportunities for people to see the impact of their contribution. </span></span></span>It also gives some practical consideration around things, including considering commissioning a professional lived experience group, ensuring people are thanked for their time, and reimbursing them so there are no practical barriers to entry.</p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="B" name="B"></a><img alt="Blogs" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="1118ca9a-055d-4682-a0f2-62624e204d91" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_policy-briefing_section-headings_5_29.png" width="600" height="75" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><span><span><span><a href="">It's good that boys are being moved out of Cookham Wood, but we should not stop there</a> |Following the government's announcement about Cookham Wood, the Howard League for Penal Reform's Chief Executive, Andrea Coomber, has written a blog arguing that this move should be the first step towards closing all prisons holding children. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">People with lived experience enhance prison education</a> | Russell Webster has published a guest blog by a Prisoners' Education Trust lived experience consultant on how the organisation is working together with people with lived experience on their National Lottery Community Fund project. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">A lived experience perspective on neurodiversity in the criminal justice system</a> | Revolving Doors published a blog by David, a member of its Neurodiversity Forum. David shared his thoughts after attending the Dyslexia Show, where he spoke on a panel, highlighting the need for neurodiversity support and the importance of early screening in the criminal justice system and beyond. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href="">Neurodiversity in the youth justice system</a> | </span></span></span>The Youth Justice Board (YJB) published a piece by YJB Board Member, Sharon Gray, during Neurodiversity Celebration Week. This looked at the over-representation of neurodivergent children in the youth justice system, and argues a greater understanding of neurodiversity is needed to build a more inclusive society that benefits from the strengths that neurodivergent people offer.</p> <p><a id="Ei" name="Ei"></a><img alt="Extra information" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="3eb90a0a-dd62-4a2c-9971-9a01a1fb7544" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_policy-briefing_section-headings_6_28.png" width="600" height="75" loading="lazy" /></p> <img alt="Clinks logo" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="7a070117-4eaa-429e-ad1f-aae0709fd604" height="125" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_logo_strap_rgb_low-res_2.jpg" width="316" class="align-center" loading="lazy" /><p class="text-align-center"><strong>Get involved </strong><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=Policy%20Briefing%20Footer">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks</a> | <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=Policy%20Briefing%20Footer">Join Mailing List</a></p> <p class="text-align-center"><strong>Contact Us </strong><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=Policy%20Briefing%20Footer"></a> | <a href=""></a> | 020 4502 6774</p> <p class="text-align-center"><strong>This month's edition was written by...</strong></p> <p class="text-align-center">Clinks Specialist Policy Officer, Franklin Barrington</p> <p class="text-align-center"><a href="">Click here to manage your subscriptions</a>. For assistance, email <a href=""></a></p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered charity: 1074546 | Company limited by guarantee in England &amp; Wales: 3562176</p> <p class="text-align-center">Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE</p> <p class="text-align-center">© Clinks, 2023</p></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/119186" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Franklin Barrington</span> </span> <span>02 Apr 2024 - 18:02</span> Tue, 02 Apr 2024 17:02:36 +0000 Franklin Barrington 3089 at News | March 2024 <span>News | March 2024</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><p>The newsletter for arts organisations working in criminal justice.</p> <p><img alt="NCJAA" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="f7e0b080-9601-472a-ba4f-6fe862ce68f1" height="84" src="/sites/default/files/emails/ncjaa_logo_red_rgb_low-res%20%281%29_1.png" width="288" loading="lazy" /></p> <p><strong>In this month's issue...</strong></p> <ul class="tableOfContents"><li><a href="#NCJAAn">National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance news​</a></li> <li><a href="#Eat​">Events and training ​</a></li> <li><a href="#Rao​">Resources and opportunities ​</a></li> </ul><h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="NCJAAn" name="NCJAAn"></a><img alt="National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance news" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="89f11efe-1f28-4fa5-ac1a-28da3fbce312" height="62" src="/sites/default/files/emails/ncjaa%20news%20long%20v3_2.png" width="537" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p class="Newsletterheading"><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red"><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span>Anne Peaker Lecture 2024</span></span></span></span></span></span></strong><br /> Thank you to all of this year’s contributors, attendees and participants who joined us for the Anne Peaker Lecture 2024 online on Wednesday, 26 March. At the event, Keynote speaker <a href="" target="_blank">Dr Caroline Lanskey</a> shared findings from the <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=newsflash200324" target="_blank">Inspiring Futures</a> research project for the first time, stimulating interesting discussion and interrogation from the lecture audience. We look forward to communicating the findings of the research with those who were unable to attend in the coming weeks. </p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>State of the Sector 2023 is now live </span></span></span></strong></span></span></span></span><br /> State of the Sector 2023 is live with a brand-new look! Check out our <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">new webpage</a> and <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">executive summary</a>. The criminal justice voluntary sector has been mapped out, highlighting the changes over the past year and, unfortunately, some of the recurring themes. Clinks’ role is to lead, support, inform and collaborate within the criminal justice sector. Our annual State of the Sector research, produced in partnership with NCVO, is a free resource evidencing what our members and the sector are experiencing. </p> <p>31% of respondents to the State of the Sector survey delivered arts-based provision in 2022-23. See how <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">arts in criminal justice organisations are faring</a> and explore the <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">findings from Clinks’ State of the Sector 2023 research</a> online. </p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>RR3 arts seat announcement </span></span></span></strong></span></span></span></span><br /><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">The Reducing Reoffending Third Advisory Group (RR3)</a> is pleased to announce that, for the first time, the group has a seat representing Arts organisations working in the criminal justice system. Catrina McHugh MBE, Joint Chief Executive and Artistic Director of Open Clasp Theatre, will hold this seat. The NCJAA are thrilled with this appointment and wish Catrina all the best in the role. We would also like to thank all applicants who gave us their time and energy throughout the recruitment process for this seat – it was a pleasure to meet with you all! <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">Find out more about the RR3.</a><br /><br /><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS) Gamechanger Award  </span></span></span></strong></span></span></span></span><br /> The NCJAA wants to congratulate long-term member Irene Taylor Trust and their Artistic Director, Sara Lee, on winning the RPS Gamechanger award. The Trust was recognised for its inspirational work and the unique way it brings classical music into their work. Read more about the award and the Trust’s response to winning, and see Sara Lee’s acceptance speech <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. </p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="Eat​" name="Eat​"></a><img alt="Events and training " data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="d873c98b-23a0-4a07-aea0-62c47448b0fc" height="62" src="/sites/default/files/emails/events%20and%20training%20long%20v1_1.png" width="537" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-blue">Kiss Marry Kill</strong> </span></span></span><br /><strong><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span>Spring (various dates) | in-person | from £15</span></span></strong></span></span></span><br /> Jay and Paul are both serving life for homophobic murders. Incredibly, they fall in love. Inspired by real-life events, this provocative new play from Dante or Die reimagines the first same-sex wedding in a UK prison. It has a cast that includes people with lived experience—touring this Spring. Find out more and <a href="" target="_blank">book your ticket here</a>. </p> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-blue">Prison Education: what the evidence tells us </strong></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /><span><span><span><strong>23 April | online | Free </strong></span></span></span><br /> Jon Collins, Chief Executive of Prisoners' Education Trust, will discuss the latest evidence and the key elements that make for 'good' prison education. This is part of our “A matter of fact: what the evidence tells us” series to accompany our <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">Evidence Library</a>, allowing you to ask your questions of leading academics talking about the latest research on an important criminal justice topic. You can read the evidence review <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. </p> <p><strong class="sn-ncjaa-blue"><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>Clean Break: The Trials and passions of Unfamous Women</span></span></span></span></span></span></strong> <br /><strong>14-22 June | London’s International Festival of Theatre, London | from £15 </strong><br /> Clean Break Announce New Production: The Trials and Passions of Unfamous Women, an ‘epic journey through the theatre of judgement’ co-produced play with London International Festival of Theatre, in proud association with Brixton House. The world premiere of <em>The Trials and Passions of Unfamous Women</em> asks what is justice and who has the power to decide. This bold and theatrical experience immerses us in the haze between the shared rituals of theatre and the halls of justice. <a href="" target="_blank">Buy tickets online</a> </p> <h2 class="sn-blue"><a id="Rao​" name="Rao​"></a><img alt="Resources and opportunities " data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="9a533e37-4b07-4acc-8f53-a9c4773b4e56" height="62" src="/sites/default/files/emails/resources%20and%20opportunities%20v1_1.png" width="538" loading="lazy" /></h2> <p><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>2024 Koestler Awards </span></span></span></span></strong></span></span></span></span><br /> Time is running out to submit an entry for the 2024 Koestler Awards. Share your visual art, writing, design or music in this year’s awards. The themed Category is ‘From Now On’. Find out more about this year’s Koestler Awards <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. The deadline for submission is Friday, 12 April 2024.</p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow"><span><span><span><span>Funding guidance for the criminal justice voluntary sector  </span></span></span></span></strong></span></span></span></span><br /> As a sector support organisation, providing information, advice and resources to voluntary organisations is an important part of Clinks. They have heard from many of their members about how difficult it is to identify, understand and navigate funding opportunities for the criminal justice voluntary sector, and know that this is becoming even more challenging. Clinks has therefore published new information and guidance on its website, which explores this topic and includes guides to statutory and charitable funding, fundraising support, and information on securing alternative sources of income. Please have a look at their new <a href="" target="_blank">Funding and Income webpages here</a> </p> <p><span><span><span><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>Innovate Now with City Bridge Foundation </span></span></span></strong></span></span></span><br /> A new funding opportunity for Black-led charities &amp; social enterprises delivering support to Black and Global Majority communities in London. </p> <p>Do it Now Now's - Innovate Now fund - will provide 64 London-based Black-led charities &amp; enterprises with £12,000 grant funding, bespoke support &amp; £3,000 in compensated capacity building. This will help participating organisations build their financial resilience and operational readiness, increase their chances of raising social investment &amp; aims to create a sustainable future for their work. <a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a> </p> <p><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>National Lottery Awards </span></span></span></span></strong><br /> The National Lottery Community Fund is offering funding from £300 to £20,000 for up to two years. Grants support community-led projects, foster social connections and community activities, and create healthier, happier lives and a flourishing society. The application deadline is ongoing. Please apply at least 16 weeks before you intend to start the activities or spend any of the money. <a href="" target="_blank">Find out more</a> <br />  <br /><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>Evidence library</span></span></span></span></strong><br /><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>Are you an arts practitioner or organisation looking for evidence to support your next funding application? Or a student or researcher looking for sources to include in your academic writing? </span></span></span></span><br /><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>The NCJAA's Evidence Library is an online library housing key research and evaluation documents on the impact of arts-based projects, programmes, and interventions within the criminal justice system. It is searchable by arts organisations, evaluation organisations, artforms and many more categories. </span></span></span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024">Find out more</a></span></span></span></p> <p><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow">Vacancies</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Programme &amp; Evaluation Manager</a> – Hear me Out </p> <p><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterMarch2024" target="_blank">Prison Facilitator - HMP Guys Marsh</a> – Shannon Trust </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Prison Facilitator - HMP Eastwood Park</a> – Shannon Trust </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Prison Facilitator - London Prisons</a> – Shannon Trust </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Actor / Groupworker</a> - Geese Theatre </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Musicians</a> – Finding Rhythms </p> <p><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow">Want to post a vacancy?</strong></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span>Clinks members can post job and volunteer vacancies on our Jobs Board for free.</span></span><br /><span><span>Full instructions for</span></span> <span><span>uploading a vacancy </span></span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=artsnewsletterFebruary2024"><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB">can be found here</span></a><span><span>.</span></span><br /><span><span>For assistance, email</span></span> <a href=""><span lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB"><span><span></span></span></span></a></span></span></span></p> <p><strong class="sn-ncjaa-yellow">Take a creative break</strong></p> <p>On 21 March we celebrated world poetry day, explore contributions from around the world via the hashtag <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>#WorldPoetryDay</strong></a> </p> <p><strong class="sn-ncjaa-red">Want to include something in the next newsletter?</strong></p> <p>The next NCJAA monthly newsletter will be sent on Thursday 25th April. If you have any news, opportunities or events relating to art organisations or projects within the criminal justice system that you would like included, please <a href="" target="_blank">submit your information via our online form</a> by Monday 15th April. </p> <p class="text-align-center">-----------------------------------------------------------</p> <p class="text-align-center">This newsletter is written monthly. Email <a href=""></a> if you wish to submit any news.</p> <p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Clinks Logo" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="caa14c03-50ed-43d9-bcfa-86fd77974d83" height="146" src="/sites/default/files/emails/clinks_logo_strap_rgb_low-res.jpg" width="370" loading="lazy" /></p> <p class="text-align-center">The National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance is embedded in Clinks.</p> <p class="text-align-center">Get involved <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks on Twitter </a>| <a href="">Follow NCJAA on Twitter</a></p> <p class="text-align-center">Contact us <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter"></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | 020 4502 6774</p> <p class="text-align-center"><a href="">Click here to manage your subscriptions</a>. For assistance, email <a href=""></a></p></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/128576" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Marianne Mooney</span> </span> <span>28 Mar 2024 - 10:29</span> Thu, 28 Mar 2024 10:29:58 +0000 Marianne Mooney 3088 at Clinks Light Lunch | Issue 826 | 5 April 2024 <span>Clinks Light Lunch | Issue 826 | 5 April 2024</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item"><p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Light Lunch Clinks" src="" /></p> <ul class="tableOfContents"><li><a href="#CN-Baw">CLINKS NEWS: Building a resilient workforce</a></li> <li><a href="#CN-SSIG">CLINKS NEWS: Staffing Special Interest Group</a></li> <li><a href="#CE-LTSAEDSG">CLINKS EVENT: London Third Sector Adult Ethnic Disproportionality Steering Group</a></li> <li><a href="#MF-RMC">MEMBER FOCUS: Release Mates CIC</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-rwas">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: retail worker assault sentences</a></li> <li><a href="#CMN-mffl">CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: mentoring for female leaders</a></li> <li><a href="#CJS-S">CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Suspected "Spice" related deaths</a></li> <li><a href="#CJS-fosd">CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: female offender strategy dashboard</a></li> <li><a href="#CJS-NRMus">CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: National Regime Model update session</a></li> <li><a href="#CME-tcearj">CLINKS MEMBER’S EVENT: the climate emergency and reproductive justice</a></li> <li><a href="#F-rptmff">FUNDING: research project to map funding flows</a></li> <li><a href="#R-CELwaoy">RESOURCE: Clinks Evidence Library webinar available on youtube</a></li> <li><a href="#P-ydsnad">PUBLICATION: youth diversion, special needs and disabilities</a></li> <li><a href="#FV-II">FEATURED VACANCY: Influencing Internship</a></li> <li><a href="#FV-CC-aW">FEATURED VACANCY: Circles Coordinator - Gloucestershire and Wiltshire</a></li> <li><a href="#CMV-">CLINKS MEMBERS’ VACANCIES:</a></li> <li><a href="#ROTW-">READS OF THE WEEK:</a></li> <li><a href="#EI-">EXTRA INFORMATION:</a></li> </ul><h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CN-Baw" name="CN-Baw"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS NEWS: </span></span></span>Building a resilient workforce</h3> <p>Clinks has published a new video “<a href="">Building a resilient workforce - lessons learnt</a>”. In the video Matina Marougka, Head of Regional Operations for London services at Together for Mental Wellbeing, shares her findings and insights from her studies in Occupational Psychology, reflecting on how well-being drives workplace performance.</p> <p>You'll also hear from Dawn Harrison, Criminal Justice Service Manager at Changing Lives, who discusses how to build resilience within a team alongside building your resilience. John Speyer, Director at Hear Me Out, explores the challenges associated with wellbeing in an organisation. Make sure to check out our <a href=";sort_bef_combine=field_publish_date_DESC">Clinks Evidence Library</a>, which covers several key issues. You can <a href="">view the video here</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CN-SSIG" name="CN-SSIG"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS NEWS: </span></span></span>Staffing Special Interest Group</h3> <p>We are calling on any voluntary organisation working within criminal justice to join the RR3 Staffing Special Interest Group. The second session of this group will be on <span class="sn-red">[12 April, 11:00 - 13:00]</span> and will focus on finding solutions in the following areas:</p> <p>- Recruitment and retention in the voluntary sector<br /> - Reducing burnout within the existing workforce<br /> - Exploring reward and incentive schemes for staff<br /> - Developing career pathways across the system<br /> - Encouraging and developing careers for people with lived experience<br /> - Understanding and offering solutions to ongoing vetting challenges</p> <p>Expression of interest in the SIG is open to all, and we welcome broad engagement from those working in the sector. Contact <a href="">Bronte Jack</a> to register your interest.  </p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CE-LTSAEDSG" name="CE-LTSAEDSG"></a>CLINKS EVENT: <span><span><span><span>London </span>Third Sector Adult Ethnic Disproportionality Steering Group</span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span>The next London Third Sector Adult Ethnic Disproportionality Steering Group </span></span></span></span> <span class="sn-red">[9 April, 13:00 - 14:30] </span><span><span><span><span>will focus on the role that judges can play in promoting fairer treatment of individuals from minority ethnic groups.</span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span>The Equal Treatment Bench Book (ETBB) will be discussed (guidelines issued to all judges on how to understand the different backgrounds of people appearing in court); and the role of pre-sentence reports will be explored. In addition, staff from the Ministry of Justice will attend to gather opinions on how sentence reductions can be communicated more effectively to incentivise early guilty pleas. </span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span>The Steering Group is a joint initiative between Clinks and the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). Meetings aims to give London voluntary organisations a platform to share insights from their work with minority ethnic groups and make recommendations to London agencies on how to reduce disproportionate racial outcomes in the London criminal justice system. </span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span>Please email <span><a href=""><span></span></a></span> to register for this online event and to receive the Microsoft Teams link and materials that will be discussed.</span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="MF-RMC" name="MF-RMC"></a><span><span><span>MEMBER FOCUS: Release Mates CIC</span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span><span>Release Mates is a growing team of rehabilitated prison leavers who support other people leaving prison in the immediate three to five hours after release. Offering support with practical issues such as benefits, food, clothing, attending appointments, the team use their lived experience of recovery from addiction and navigating away from the revolving door, to trigger a motivation for positive change. Find out more about <a href="">Release Mates CIC</a></span></span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-rwas" name="CMN-rwas"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: </span></span></span>retail worker assault sentences</h3> <p>Twelve criminal justice charities, including Transform Justice, have written a <a href="">letter to the British Retail Consortium (BRC)</a> expressing their concerns about the BRC's support for proposed new legislation which would create a new offence of assault retail worker and double the maximum prison sentence for the crime. <a href="">Read the letter</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMN-mffl" name="CMN-mffl"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S NEWS: mentoring for female leaders</span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span>The Network of Women Chairs have launched a Mentoring Programme to support women Chairs and Vice Chairs in UK charities, and women trustees looking to become Chairs. The NWC is keen to promote diversity on Boards, and this free Mentoring Programme has been established to allow NWC Members to give back to women trustees. The Programme will offer a structured framework with trained NWC Mentors who have a wealth of experience to share and will include an introductory Zoom session for successful applicants with Rachel Mallows, Vice Chair of the NWC, who has trained the Mentors in the Programme. Attendance is mandatory for those seeking mentorship from NWC Mentors.</span></span></span></span></p> <p class="x"><span><span><span><span>Find out more about the <a href="">Network of Women Chairs</a>. </span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span>Find out more about the <a href="  ">NWC Mentoring Programme and access the Mentee Application Form</a>. </span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span>Applications to be a Mentee on the NWC Mentoring Programme will close to applications <span class="sn-red">[8 April, 12:00]</span>. Applicants will be informed if their application has been successful by May 1.</span></span> </span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CJS-S&quot;rd" name="CJS-S&quot;rd"></a><span><span><span>CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Suspected "Spice" related deaths</span></span></span></h3> <p class="x"><span><span><span>An urgent, public plea from </span>the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman </span></span><span><span><span>Adrian Usher</span></span></span></p> <p class="x"><span><span><span>“Over the last few days, we confirmed that 6 deaths have occurred at HMP Parc in just under one month. I am saddened by this high number, and I offer my deepest condolences to those affected. </span></span></span><span><span> </span></span></p> <p class="x"><span><span><span>Yesterday, we said that we are not making any assumptions as to whether there is a link between these deaths – however, after initial enquiries, we now believe at least 4 out of the 6 deaths are drug-related. </span></span></span><span><span><span>These deaths likely involve spice (a psychoactive substance), mixed with another family of drugs. There has been a national public health warning issued about this particular drug, the name of which is yet to be determined, but we believe that at least two of the deceased at HMP Parc had taken this substance. It is therefore likely the deaths are all spice related.</span></span></span></p> <p class="x"><span><span><span>We urge all prisoners who are in possession of spice to dispose of it immediately. This is a dangerous drug and we do not want to see any more unnecessary deaths occur. Friends, family, next of kin, and staff in prison – please share this message as wide and as quickly as possible”.</span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CJS-fosd" name="CJS-fosd"></a><span><span><span>CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Female Offender Strategy Dashboard</span></span></span></h3> <p>The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) published its <a href="">Female Offender Strategy Dashboard</a>, presenting key metrics outlined in the Female Offender Strategy Delivery Plan via a web-based data visualisation tool. This resource allows custom analysis by factors such as locality, ethnicity, and age. It offers data on four priority areas of the strategy: reducing female entries into the criminal justice system, curtailing short custodial sentences for women, enhancing outcomes for women in custody, and bolstering public safety through improved post-release outcomes. The dashboard summarises headline metrics for recent comparisons, while detailed information reveals trends over five years. Performance shows mixed results across eighteen areas, with improvements in some and deteriorations in others. <a href="">View the dashboard</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CJS-NRMus" name="CJS-NRMus"></a>CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: National Regime Model update session</h3> <p>Clinks will be running a session <span class="sn-red">[25 April, 13:00-14:00, online, free] </span>alongside Chris Gunderson (Head of Transforming Organisational Delivery &amp; National Regime Design at HMPPS) to update on the new National Regime Model in prisons. Chris will be giving an update on the rollout of the new model and there will be an opportunity for questions. To express interest in attending this discussion please contact <a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a>.</p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CME-tcearj" name="CME-tcearj"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBER’S EVENT: </span></span></span>the climate emergency and reproductive justice</h3> <p><strong>Birth Companions </strong>and <strong>Wen</strong> (Women's Environmental Network) will be hosting a <a href="">Lunchtime Webinar</a> <span class="sn-red">[17 April, 12:30, online, free]</span>, to celebrate the publication of their new joint paper looking at the implications of the climate emergency for reproductive justice in the UK. Join the webinar to hear:</p> <p>• Birth Companions and Wen discuss recent collaborative work on climate and reproductive justice<br /> • Reflections from exciting guest speakers<br /> • Q&amp;A session on reproductive justice and the climate emergency</p> <p>The climate and biodiversity emergency poses severe challenges to reproductive, maternal, infant, and child health. We are already seeing the substantial effects that air pollution, toxic chemicals, extreme heat, climate migration, food insecurity, and other factors can have on our ability to conceive, sustain healthy pregnancies, and birth and parent our children in safety. Women facing poverty, inequality, and disadvantage, and those from Black and Brown communities disproportionately bear the impacts of these factors. <a href="">Register for your place here</a> </p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="F-rptmff" name="F-rptmff"></a>FUNDING: <span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">research project to map funding flows</span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span>Making the case for better partnership between government and philanthropic funders. </span></span></span></p> <p class="3wscopya12pt"><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">Voluntary organisations working across Criminal Justice need support in mitigating a complex funding landscape in order to support some of the most vulnerable people in our society. This project will map and explore funding flows from government and philanthropy to voluntary organisations taking beneficiaries characteristics and lived experience and the purpose of the funding into account. The aim of this project is to better understand and improve funder practice and partnerships.  </span></p> <p><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US">This research project is funded by Lloyds Bank Foundation who are working in partnership with CLINKS, Ministry of Justice, AB Foundation on joint solutions with support from Cortson Independent Funders Coalition. Find out more through the </span><a href="">CJS funding flows ITT</a></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="R-CELwaoy" name="R-CELwaoy"></a><span><span>RESOURCE: Clinks Evidence Library w</span></span>ebinar available on youtube</h3> <p>Clinks recently co-hosted an online webinar alongside Russel Webster on best practice in working with people with mental health problems on probation. This was part of our “A matter of fact: what the evidence tells us” series, giving delegates the chance to ask their own questions of leading academics talking about the latest research on an important criminal justice topic. During this webinar Professor Charlie Brooker and Dr Coral Sirdifield discuss best practice in working with people with mental health problems on probation. Charlie and Coral have provided an <a href="">in-depth written evidence review </a>alongside this <a href="">webinar.</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="P-ydsnad" name="P-ydsnad"></a><span><span><span>PUBLICATION: </span></span></span>youth diversion, special needs and disabilities</h3> <p>The Centre for Justice Innovation has published a new research report, '<a href="">How is youth diversion working for children with special educational needs and disabilities?</a>'. Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are hugely over-represented at all points in the criminal justice system and evidence suggests that 70-90% of children in the justice system have some form of SEND. Youth diversion offers many children a pathway out of the criminal justice system. However, given the range of barriers that children with SEND face in navigating the criminal justice system, they may be less likely to receive diversion.</p> <p>This research draws on the experiences of children with SEND and practitioners from both police and youth justice services to explore how diversion processes are working for these children and what can be done to ensure they have the appropriate access to diversion. <a href="">Read the report</a></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="FV-II" name="FV-II"></a><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>FEATURED VACANCY: Influencing Internship</span></span></span></span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>Switchback are looking for an Influencing Intern on a short-term basis <span class="sn-red">[£23,933 FTE, Full-Time and Part-Time available, London Hybrid]</span> with lived experience of the criminal justice system who is excited about using their journey to create change in the system. This opportunity has been designed around what Switchback can do for you, instead of what you can do for Switchback. You do not need any prior experience in policy or communications for this role, just enthusiasm and excitement. It is also important that you can demonstrate a commitment to learning something new. It would be a great opportunity for someone who wants to start a policy or communications career but not necessary. [</span></span></span></span><a href=""><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>Find out more and apply by 15 April here</span></span></span></a><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span><span>]</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="FV-CC-aW" name="FV-CC-aW"></a><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>FEATURED VACANCY: Circles Coordinator <span>- Gloucestershire and Wiltshire</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>Circles South West is looking for a Circles Coordinator in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire <span class="sn-red">[3 or 3.5 days per week, £32,000-£38,640 pro-rata, working from home in Glos/Wilts or nearby]</span> to join their dedicated regional team of 12 staff and 180 volunteers working towards the vision of 'No More Victims' of sexual abuse. Circles of Support and Accountability contribute to risk management in the community, preventing sexual re-offending. You will have experience of working with people who have sexually harmed and understand how volunteers can contribute to their safe integration in the community. You will work closely with public protection agencies and be skilled in the management and support of volunteers. Complementary opportunities for groupwork and training. [</span></span></span><a href=""><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>Find out more and apply by 24 April here</span></span></span></a><span lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US"><span><span>]</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="CMV-" name="CMV-"></a><span><span><span>CLINKS MEMBERS’ VACANCIES:</span></span></span></h3> <p><span><span><span>Band 5 Substance Misuse Nurse - HMP Highdown with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£28,407 - £34,581, HMP Highdown, full time]</span>; Senior Specialist Housing Advocate with <strong>ADVANCE</strong> (Advocacy and Non-Violence Community Education) <span class="sn-red">[£30,000 - £32,000, Hammersmith, full time]</span>; Specialist Housing Advocate with<strong> ADVANCE</strong> (Advocacy and Non-Violence Community Education) <span class="sn-red">[£28,000 - £31,000, Hammersmith, part time]</span>; Band 6 Substance Misuse Nurse - HMP Highdown with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£35,392 - £42,618, HMP Highdown, full time]</span>; Senior Band 6 Substance Misuse Nurse – Surrey with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£39,005 - £42,618, UK-Surrey-Sutton, full time]</span>; Band 7 Clinical Nurse Manager - HMP Downview/HMP Highdown with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£43,742 - £50,056, HMP Downview/HMP Highdown, full time]</span>; Band 7 Non Medical Prescriber - HMP Highdown / HMP Downview with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£43,742 - £50,056, HMP Highdown / HMP Downview, full time]</span>; Band 5 Substance Misuse Nurse - HMP Bronzefield with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£28,407 - £34,581, HMP Bronzefield, full time]</span>; Domestic Abuse Caseworker with <strong>ADVANCE</strong> (Advocacy and Non-Violence Community Education) <span class="sn-red">[£26,000 - £28,000, Hammersmith /Westminster, full time]</span>; Band 6 Substance Misuse Nurse - HMP Bronzefield with <strong>The Forward Trust</strong> <span class="sn-red">[£35,392 - £42,618, HMP Bronzefield, full time]</span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=lightlunch826"><span><span><span><span>For more information about these vacancies, and many more, click here</span></span></span></span></a></span></span></span></p> <h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="ROTW-" name="ROTW-"></a><span><span><span>READS OF THE WEEK:</span></span></span></h3> <ul><li><a href="">Nominate for the Charity Today Awards 2024</a></li> <li><a href="">Must-have travel app offers peace of mind, averting any crisis</a></li> <li><a href="">Very cool: trees stalling effects of global heating in eastern US, study finds</a></li> <li><a href="">Positive travel: Sustainable trips are here to stay</a></li> </ul><h3 class="sn-blue"><a id="EI-" name="EI-"></a>EXTRA INFORMATION:</h3> <p class="text-align-center">About Clinks Light Lunch<br /><br /> To include something in Light Lunch, <a href="">submit your request</a> by 12:00 each Wednesday.</p> <p class="text-align-center">Light Lunch is sent to 13877 people who have an interest in the criminal justice system. <br /> Get involved <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter">Become a Member</a> | <a href="">Follow Clinks on Twitter</a><br /> Contact us <a href=";utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=NewsflashFooter"></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="tel:020 4502 6774">020 4502 6774</a><br /><a href="">Click here to manage your subscriptions</a>. For assistance, email <a href=""></a><br /> Registered office: 82A James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE <br /> Registered charity: <a href="tel:1074546">1074546</a> | Company limited by guarantee in England &amp; Wales: 3562176<br /> © Clinks, 2024</p> <p class="text-align-center"><img alt="Clinks logo" height="150" src="" width="379" /></p></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/124143" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">Darryn Frost</span> </span> <span>25 Mar 2024 - 09:32</span> Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:32:37 +0000 Darryn Frost 3087 at